Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society

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Diary 2006
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“It may be small, but it is still cute!”

Unfortunately somebody told Eugene about the nature competition, so it was little surprise that his magnificent portrait of a stags head rightly took top honours. Once again I would recommend a visit to his gallery on the website, if you have not seen the shot before, but also to view the other stunning wildlife shots therein. This is also a timely opportunity for all members to review their own gallery by giving Larissa a disk of new images, so let’s do it!

Our guest judge, may have been a little overawed by the rough crowd we had on the evening, but he gave great time to each photo and his diagnosis in each case was fair and of real value to our communal understanding of the particular requirements of nature photography.

Although most people seemed content with the outcome of the evening, Ines was not. She took grave exception to Robert’s (note the A-ha man, not the president), picture of a squirrel in the Botanic Gardens, attaining more points than her own more technically accomplished composition. So a harsh lesson was learnt, cute wins!


“Water, Water everywhere but no texture to be seen”

Tonight began with Colum’s second lecture in the new “Inter Cert”, “Movement”. This lecture is to be followed up by a weekend master class in the field, to be advised at a later date. Don’t worry if you missed the lecture though, the practical will more than make up for it. If you have any suggested venue or event for this session please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Next up was a double bill of practical work, “Water” and “Texture”. Unfortunately, we were without our usual Ringmaster, Stewart, so members were inflicted with Paul acting as his deputy. Many thanks to all those members who contributed such an interesting arrangement of photos and in taking the time to explain the thought processes involved behind them. Controversy raged over the “Texture” section though, which seems to have been won by a burnt out, out of focus, two headed hairy goat. Well we all should have taken the Guru’s advice and photographed some sandpaper. My money is still on the goat though, in the 20:15 at Shelbourne Park .

Finally, we had a session discussing the preparation of a panel for presentation to the IPF in November’s distinction examinations. Once again we are grateful for the services of a volunteer, Peter, who kindly bought in a small regatta of ships to work upon. Although Colum had been feeling quiet poorly up until then, he sprang into life once he seen the quality of the images. The Guru’s prognosis was favourable, with at least seven images already suitable for a panel, so only three to go!


“Get your monkey out Mr. President”

Once again we assembled in the Bridge for a printing class from Paul. Many members kindly subjected their slides and files to be used as guinea pigs on the evening, but most thanks must go to Mr. President for coming along all tooled up with three images. Some wags may say that this is 30% of the Presidential archive, but evidence is sketchy if indeed these scurrilous comments are indeed to be believed. In the end Robert was pleased with the results achieved on his “Dancer” and “Meerkat” although we were unable to do anything about his “Monkey”, so back under the jumper it had to go.

Many thanks to Dave for bringing in the biggest stash of photographic, yes I did say photographic, magazines ever seen outside of Eason’s. You see, you cannot beat a good university education, wot!








“Real Photography and No Logo’s”

It was back to traditional film photography for the evening, with a slideshow featuring the work of seven members. Chromes old and new rekindled the passions for all present in shooting some slide film again. There is just something tactile about a slide that seems to impart a life of its own. Comments during the evening ranged from exhortations of the colour saturation to their longevity vies-a-vi digital files. Although the vast majority of members now are primarily shooting digital, even I recognise that film does impart an intrinsic and different beauty to the capture of an image, so why not carry your old film camera next time you are out on a shoot and fire off a couple of frames.

With only 30 days to the monster “ Midnight and Magic Ball” taking place, the social committee were busy making the final arrangements for the evening. So great has been the interest in attending our Gala Spectacular, that we now have one hundred and forty guests and have moved to the large ballroom. If you have not purchased your tickets by now then it may be too late, and like me you will have missed out on the event of the season. But then again there is always next year, now if they would only give me a clue as to when it is on I could book that round the world cruise!  

AUGUST Welcome to this, the end of August, edition of the T.B.P.S. Update. Intrigued as to what we have been up to over the last two weeks? Then pull your chair closer to the fire and I’ll tell you some stories!
Saturday 26th/
Sunday 27th August












“Slovaks, Nazi Daggers and Multicoloured Sweets”

As I write this missal, we are still involved in the “Peoples Photography” Exhibition on St. Stephens Green Dublin. Following on the success of last year, and due to our rapid growth in membership, we increased our display frontage to three bays. This enabled the “Saturday Crew” to put on display eighty five image’s, although I am sure Stewart and the “Sunday Crew” will not only top that but probably make some sales too! This is a lovely event to come to and browse the stalls and talk to other photographers, even if some of them are a bit scary. Once again Helen’s choice of subject from Duncannon seems to attract the most interest. This year, although her photo was one of the smallest on display, sure enough within one hour of it going up we had our first fish. He turned out to be a Slovak called Karel, from near the Polish border, with a huge interest in all things WWII. After seeing a selection of his snapshots from the Bratislava equivalent to the Duncannon event, Colum asks him does he have any Nazi Daggers like those shown in the Photo’s. Low and behold, Karel produces an eighteen inch specimen from an Easons paper bag tucked into his rucksack. By this stage Colum was so comfortable in the company of our Central European friend that he not only tries to purchase said dagger but then starts chastising him for having a girls name and asking what his husband’s name back in Slovakia is. (Note to Paul, next time Colum is discussing matters of gender with an armed world war two fetishist please stand more than eighteen inches the other side of him to avoid being kebabed too!)  In all seriousness he was a very nice man and his interest in our work is indicative of the global language that is photography. Likewise Dave bumped into some lovely people from the U.K. , Ines a nice Austrian lady and Robert a Photoshop expert from Poland . So who did Paul speak to then, I hear you say. Well, I had my ears burnt off by a scary person from R.T.E.! (Note must stay in more!)

P.S. Paul once again managed to get sun burnt but was able to get through the day with the help of some psychedelically coloured Bassets Sweets, yum yum! 







“Should it stay or should it go?”

Once again we remain grateful to Willie Doyle for his excellent presentation on the basics of Photoshop. These tutorials have proven to be a huge success with all members and Willie could become a victim of his own success with renewed calls for more appearances. Although this section is titled after a song by The Clash, on this occasion there was no clash as our “resident heckler” behaved impeccably so Willie did not need that big stick he brought with him after all!  Rather the item to stay or go was a speed boat that Willie demonstrated the removal of from a picture of Venice , using Photoshop.  Once again everybody learned something new and are all looking forward to his next lecture.

The Jazz Band were unable to make the meeting, to do the judging, so all entries were collected without display to be judged next week. So if you have not put something in you still have one week to get creative!








“Somewhere beyond the sea”

After our nautical themed weekend with Stormy Stan, we where once more attracted to the sea with a visit to Kilmichael Point for some “Selective Focus” portraiture practice.

Although conditions were not ideal, the rain held off and a sizeable number of members made the trek over the border to test their skills. This evening was part of Colum’s new “Inter Cert.” and our Guru in Chief was on hand to help with all those practical difficulties in putting theory into practice. Colum will start the judging of submissions for this first round on Wednesday August 30th, this will be conducted in private, so do not be afraid to put in your submissions even if you think they are not up to scratch. You can be assured that you will learn more from your failures than your successes, so get those entries in. (Please note that if you missed the Kilmichael Expedition you may still enter other shots showing “Selective Focus” technique for evaluation).





“Free drink, getting stoned and seeing a little blurry”

This evening, we started to talk about getting blurry a little more often. This had nothing to do with the vouchers for a free drink that Stormy Sam gave us, I must hasten to add. In short Colum started his lectures for the new “Inter Cert.” with an explanation of selective focus. Next week it is our mission to form teams and provide examples in the format requested by our Learned Leader. That is blurred stones in the foreground, sharp little eyes in the mid ground, and blurred big sea in the background. More information is to be found in the coming events section.









Stormy S
tan Loves Tommy Byrne”

Even though the weather was mixed and the exertions strenuous, this was a most enjoyable weekend for all concerned. Since our primary goal was to raise funds for the Lifeboat, then indeed we had a very successful event, raising €400. Huge praise must go to Stewart for his photography under fire (from Colum), and his ability to extract cash from a large portion of the little fish that swam past our base in the Lifeboat Station. Many thanks must also be extended to Pat for his role as “Stormy Stan” on the Monday, we could not have done it without him. Then Paul did what he does best, sat on his large posterior and printed out the photos. I really need to get out more!

This was only half of the story though folks. Our stall outside of the station was a huge success, with many friends old and new coming to see our work and hear about the Tommy Byrne Photographic Society. Julie, Colum and Stewart also managed to persuade quiet a number of these lovely people to go away with a little memento of the day in the shape of one our very competitively priced mounted photos. With most selling between five and ten euros, we seemed to find a level that the customer was comfortable to part with. Now all we need is to figure out how to make money at these prices, role on St. Stephens Green!








“Seat Covers, Fairy Lights and Luminous Clothes Pegs”

Tonight Kristine gave us an update on progress made with arrangements for the “Moonlight & Magic Ball”. Tickets sales have been phenomenal with over one hundred guests already confirmed. With an upper limit of one hundred and twenty being set, if you have not got your tickets by now you may be in danger of missing out! Also it is now important to turn those probable ones into paid. So please return you ticket money as soon as possible. (We also have a requirement for some battery powered white fairy lights, so off to the attic with you!)

“Colours, red green and blue” seemed to catch people’s imagination and we had a large and varied entry for our practical exercises. The most successful visually was Willies “luminous clothes pegs”, which did exactly what it said on the tin and just included R.G and B clothes pegs against a black background. Peter’s night shot of Trim Castle also came in for honourable mention. 







“Rembrandt Van Rembrandt and all that Jazz”

Today was the final opening session of our exhibition - attendance has been steady and reactions very favourable.  Don't forget our on-going exhibition at the Arklow Business Enterprise Centre at Kildride.

Also we have been given a commission to design a poster for a local jazz band, with a prize fund of €100 for the winner to be judged by members of the band themselves. The poster can be a photo or any type of graphic art. The band, as a hint, explained that one of their previous ones was based on a painting by Rembrandt. This painting was quiet macabre, doctors doing an autopsy, but their main intention is to have some sort of visual “hook” to stop passers-by in their tracks to read about the forthcoming event. Entries will be judged on the evening of Wednesday August 23rd at our regular meeting.




Well tonight we left the hot and sticky surrounds of the Bridge Hotel for a trip up the coast to
Wicklow Town . We met at the “Leitrim Lounge” at 8pm and put ourselves in the good hands of our local guides Willie and Peter for the evening. Again, this was a good opportunity for expanding members portfolio of shots and picking up tips from other members. (Secretary)  





As promised Mr. Eddie Fitzgerald returned to the Society to give a lecture on “painting with light”. This was truly a very entertaining evening, which gave most members an insight into the creative opportunities that exist within the confines of their little black box. Apart from running through a gallery of his work, by which Eddie explained the practical methods used to achieve these results he then capped the evening off (with the help of some volunteers) in a demonstration of one of these techniques in practice. The use of flash, long exposure, a darkened room and a torch with different coloured filters yielded some magical results. Want to see the results then?! Sorry but you will just have to buy your tickets for our “Moonlight and Magic” evening to see them on the BIG screen. Purely coincidently, tickets for this very special event are now on sale from a Stewart near you.





“The Exhibition”

This is the highlight of our year (until our next highlight). Members have gone to truly extraordinary lengths to put on a display of the finest ever selection of their work. Considering we are still maintaining our presence in the “Enterprise Centre” with over fifty photos, to be able to gather another one hundred and eight, mostly new prints, for this exhibition is a testament to the dedication of members in highlighting the work of the Society. Well done to all! 






“Click and your dead – Anybody seen my surf board?”

Willie held centre stage with his excellent tutorial on Adobe Photoshop basics. He deserves great credit, not only for the quality and preparation gone into
his presentation, but also for his dedication in lugging around the biggest suitcase in
Western Europe ! Even more credit is due to his patience in putting up with our resident heckler, who tried to persuade him that “Elements 4” is better than “Photoshop CS2”.Click, click, bang! Paul, and everyone else, got a surprise when Peter brought in his framed “School” photo. It was the size of a surf board and as heavy as hell, but I tell you what it, it is definitely nothing short of impressive. Peter intends to present the photo to the school in September, and I am sure it will give a lot of people great satisfaction for many years to come!





“Verbotten – Rock und Roll”

Colum and his merry band of photo hikers were blocked by a ten foot fence from storming “Arklow Rock”, so a hasty retreat to the harbour provided its usual exceptional photo opportunities. Keen to see what they shot, then go along to the “Exhibition” and look out for Peter’s “Fishing Boats”. Speaking of Peter, he had an excellent day out viewing the “Round Ireland Yacht Race – Wicklow Leg”, and came back with one of the finest prints ever shown to the Society. Again, just pop along to the “Exhibition” and feast your eyes, you will not be sorry. Robert brought in his new “mirror lens” and Paul watched the football. Finally, Peter got a surprise, a one point four metre print of his “School” photo. What ever will he do with it?

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