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Cork City  Courthouse


Extract from Council minutes...January 13th 2003

At its meeting held 24th February 2003 An Chomhairle approved the report of the City Manager on the funding of refurbishment work to the City Courthouse at Washington Street  and adapted the following resolution.

"Subject to the sanction of the Minister for the Environment and Local Government An Chomhairle hereby approve the borrowing of 25,000,000 to fund the refurbishment of the courthouse, Washington street."




In response to question submitted by Comhairleoir B. Bermingham that approval of acceptance of the Contractors tender, which was recommended by the City Architect in September, 2002, is awaited from the Courts Service for this project. On acceptance of the tender, contracts will be executed and the works will commence on site.

The City Architect's Department have advised the Courts Service of the cost of repainting the hoarding surrounding the Courthouse Building and are awaiting a response from the Courts Service. We are advised that the C.E.O. Courts Service has received correspondence from the Lord Mayor regarding the condition of the hoarding and that the Courts Service is currently reviewing the matter.


Reply to Question submitted at Council Meeting To be held on, 23d September, 2002.


a. To request the Manager to comment on the unsightly site known as the Courthouse Washington Street, and will he take action against the polluter?
i.e. will Cork City Council prosecute the Minister for Justice for the ugly sight of its surrounds including graffiti on its hoarding?

b. With information gathered from the Department of Justice and Law Reform

When did work on the Courthouse begin?
What work is completed to date?
Is work in progress now?
If not why not?
When is the anticipated date of complete completion?

(Cllr. Brian Bermingham)


a. Tenders have now been received for the final phase and recommendations made. When the Contractor is appointed, the hoarding will be renewed.

b. Work commenced in 1997. External stone work, lead work & roof have been completed to date. Tenders have now been received for the final phase and recommendations made. We await instruction of the employer (the OPW) and the client (the Courts Service). It is anticipated that the project will be completed in 2005.

        In a Supplementary Question I asked was it good enough for this council not to take action against the polluter leaving the Court House in an unsightly condition for so long?

The Manager said will inform the Court service of the feelings of Council members and ask that the hoardings be removed.