2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1979 |
2003 |

- Joe McHugh, City Manager 1974-1986 died
- The Cork Main drainage Scheme is on target for completion in 2003 -
Ireland's largest environmental scheme.
- St Patrick's Street [Grand Parade] refurbishment scheme based on a
design by Beth Gali, architect commenced
in August.
- City Hall refurbishment is due for completion
- New 15m development on City Hall's car park is due to commence soon giving staff
and public a new additional building from which to conduct business
- New fly-over on the southern ring Road is at planning stage
- Estates Roads are been improved with a continuous resurfacing programme started
in 1999 with Croaghta Park, Benvoirlich estate, Rossa Avenue Summertown completed.
- A continuous programme of House improvements is underway.
- Living over the shop is a high priority programme for Cork Corporation.

- Cork bid for European City of Culture
- Cork Corporation has adopted a new strategy for parks, open spaces, river walks,
gardens and cemeteries. Person safety will be getting priority attention in the
years ahead.
- Cork Opera house refurbishment opened
- Cork Crawford gallery extension opened.
- Urban Traffic Control system work continuing.
- Blackpool By-Pass & Thomas Davis Over bridge
- John Bermingham Lord Mayor 1968-1969 died November 1st.

- The Jack Lynch Tunnel was opened [may]
- Cork airport Business Park was opened.
- Emmet Place Plaza
- Jack lynch died

- Tour de France
- Kingsley Hotel opened

- Maryborough / Ambassador hotels opened
- Litter wardens introduced in the city
- Little island / Carrigtwohill by-pass was opened
- South West Link road from Rochestown to Bishopstown opened
- Hayfield Manor Hotel opened

- Douglas to Rochestown Southern Ring Road was opened
- The new Garda station at Anglesea Street was opened
- The Tunnel project began with site testing

- First visit of the tall ships race in its 35-year history
- A major extension to cork airport terminal and its runway was opened on its
30th Anniversary.
- South City Link Road began
- A unique double was achieved with the Cork Senior Hurling and Senior Football
teams both winning their respective all Ireland titles
- Liner Q.E.2 visited Cork and berthed at the new deepwater basin at Ringaskiddy

- Tivoli overpass at Silversprings
- Cork v Cologne twinned

- Introduction of Swansea / Cork Ferry
- Christy Ring Bridge

- 800th Anniversary of the granting to the city of cork its first charter
- The North Ring road
- Nano Nagle Bridge opened
- Bishop Lucy Park

1984 - Eamon De Valera & Michael Collins Bridge opened |

- Opening of the Cork University Hospital Wilton by Taoiseach Mr Jack Lynch
- Opening of Extension to the City library
- Mahon Industrial Estate opened with Rigid Tools first firm
- International apprentice competition held in Cork
- The All weather sports track opened