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City Developments

















Motion: submitted

Sunday, January 05, 2003

That this Council aware that 2003 is designated “European Year of the Disabled Persons” agrees to
  1. Adapt/confirm as its goal to achieve the highest standards and facilities for the disabled within the City of Cork in the shortest possible time.
  2. Audit in full the measures it has taken over the years in improving and facilitating persons with disabilities.
  3. Determine following consultation, what needs are now required to facilitate independent and usability living for all.
  4. Enumerate and cost the type of service, facility and location of proposed improvements it intends to undertake in the short term 2003/2004, medium term 2005/2006 and long term to 2009
  5. Agree to identify in the estimates specific funding per usability project per annum.
  6. Agree to identify structures in developing overseeing and updating this ongoing work i.e.
    1.  Within an Strategic Policy Committee with rights to call on all other departments
    2. A continuing ad hoc committee with representatives from appropriate organisations inputting ideas advice and recommendations.
    3. Reporting back to council on a quarterly basis.


23rd September 2002

The reason why a Disability Officer has not yet been appointed by Cork City Council?

The City Council has been positive to disability for many years and this commitment is enshrined in our Corporate Plan and the City Development Board Strategy.
A Social Inclusion Unit has recently been set up to address the issues on a corporate wide basis.

In addition we have a number of Officers who have specific responsibilities in this area at present as the issue is a wide-ranging one.

We have an "Access Officer" who is responsible for issues of access to our own buildings and services.

We have a "Disability Liaison Officer" who is responsible for contact with the various organisations representing the disabled particularly in the area of employment.

Disability issues also arise in wider environment and in our operational plans in the various Directorates reflect a commitment to improve access and freedom of movement for people with disabilities in the wider public realm.

The question of combining all these roles in one is under consideration at present and the question of appointing a specific Disability Officer will be determined as a result of that study.

