Ard Mheara, Seanoiri agus Comhairleoiri
2nd January 2003
1 refer to the following motion which was referred to the Roads &
Transportation Functional Committee by Council:
'Further to my Motion011/151 which asked
'That this Council sensitive to the needs of people who have difficulty
with heights, agree to screen that portion of the South Ring Road,
travelling east to west that overlooks the Douglas Shopping Centre, in
the interests of personal and road traffic safety'
The Report of the City Engineer dated 5"' July 2001 stated 'The
existing barrier on this section of the South Ring Road is sufficient
to cater for traffic or pedestrian safety in this area. The provision
of a visual barrier will be investigated further'.
1 now request the Manager to bring before Council results of the
said investigation with updated thinking in the context of a lengthy
visual barrier erected at the opposite side of this carriageway'.
(Proposer: Comhairleoir B. Bermingham 02/245)
Noise barriers have been erected on the Cork City side of the South
Ring Road (N25). The purpose of these noise barriers is to reduce
noise levels from the South Ring Road
(N25) to those residential properties on the Cork City side of this
road. Douglas Shopping Centre is situated on the other side of the
South Ring Road (N25) at Douglas. Noise is not a factor here and indeed
Douglas Shopping Centre, like all other commercial centres, seeks to be
as visible as possible from the public road.
The height of the embankment of the South Ring Road (N25) as it
passes through Douglas is approximately seven metres. This is the same
as most bridges in this country. The edge of the road is protected by a
parapet railing, in filled with a light mesh to prevent debris from
falling onto the car park alongside. The cost of erecting noise
barriers is very expensive and the National Roads Authority will only
fund these barriers where there is sufficient warrant for them. The
embankment at Douglas is no different or less safe than the embankment
at Dunkettle or even Youghal Bridge over the Blackwater or similar
embankments on the M50 in Dublin. It could be further argued that a
barrier at this particular location would prevent the sun from melting
any potential ice spots that may occur on the said embankment.
Accordingly 1 do not recommend the erection of such a visual
1 recommend that the Roads & Transportation Functional Committee
consider this report and refer to Council for approval.
City of Cork draft Development Plan 2003
Cork area Strategic Plan CASP
Cork as a Gateway
River Transportation
Student Accommodation
Green spaces