MEMORANDUM Mr Joe Kennelly Director of Services Recreation, Amenity & Culture 2nd December 2002 1 refer to the following motion referred to the Committee by Council:-ICE SKATING RINK IN CORK CITY Further to my motion 0 1/ 152 which asked 'That this Council seek developers interested in the provision of an ice skating rink in Cork City, adding to its stock of amenities that its citizens can enjoy and attracting others into the City' The Report of the Assistant City Manager stated 'that research would be undertaken into the provision of ice rinks, demand for same etc. elsewhere and a further report will be brought before the committee at an early date' 1 now request the Manager to bring before Council results of the said research, further consideration, and likely venues such as Educational Institutions, Sporting Clubs, and Public areas that could ensure high activity and enjoyment of sporting amenity.' (Proposer: Comhairleoir B. Bermingharn 02/244) The history of ice skate rinks in Ireland is very poor with a number of disused cinemas/old warehouses being converted to ice rinks in the last decade and all closing within a relatively short time of opening. The space required is roughly equivalent to five swimming pools with huge operational costs involved. Indeed very often the ice skating rink requires other leisure attractions as well to become viable. Demand is seasonal, with no tradition of ice skating in the country. The only ice skating rink in Ireland both North and South is the Dundonald International Ice Bowl at Castlerea (Belfast) incorporating ice skating rink, Ten Pin Bowling, Children's Indoor Playground and Caravan Park. Whilst the various other activities operate on a break even basis, the ice rink itself is heavily subsidised by Castlerea Borough Council. -2- The operators inform me that their main problems are the level of overheads necessarily incurred in operating the facility, the lack of demand except from 7.30 p.m. in the evenings and the high level of insurance claims. In view of the difficulties associated with the provision of ice rinks, 1 believe it is fruitless to pursue the matter further at this stage. However, Dublin City Council are operating a temporary ice rink at Smithfield for the month of December and the success of this project can be examined to explore the possibility of doing something similar in Cork next Christmas. STEPHEN SCULLY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER RECREATION, AMENITY & CULTURE TO EACH MEMBER OF COMMITTEE 1 agree with the above report and recommend that the Committee refer it to Council for approval.JOE KENNELY DIRECTOR OF SERVICES RECREATION, AMENITY & CULTURE
A Ardmheara, Scanoiri agus Comhairicoiri 1
refer to the following motion referred to the Committee by Council: Research will be undertaken into the provision of ice rinks, demand for same etc.
elsewhere, and a further report will be brought before the Committee at an early date.
REPORT ON PROVISION OF A SKATEBOARD PARK An Chomhairle approved the report of the Director of Services. The report stated:- (i) that the area required for a skateboard park was quite small 35m x 35m, (ii) the capital outlay was not excessive, (iii) a park would require constant supervision to ensure protective clothing, head gear worn at all times and (iv) insurance considerations were a major factor in the provision of such a facility. Given the requirement for direct supervision of a park, discussions had commenced with Leisureworld in Bishopstown to explore the possibility of them providing a park on a pilot basis.