Nollaig Shona Dhaoibh
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parents
for all your support in 2004. We 'd like to welcome all our new
boys to 2nd class. You seem to have settled in very well indeed.
We also welcome Kilian Cantwell and Jeremy Flood to Room 10, Patrick
Cantwell, Edward Buckley and Jacob Mirga to Room 7 and Luke Leydon,
Ciarán Martin, Daniel Nolan and Laurence Wallace to Room 1. We hope
your time in the C.B.S. will be a happy and memorable one. From
the staff, board of management and parent's council we 'd like to
wish our pupils, parent's and carers a peaceful and holy Christmas
and a prosperous new year.
C.B.S. Boy's Choir
Once again the choir has been busy since the beginning of term
preparing a programme of music ranging from traditional to classical.
Their schedule consisted of the following:
- Oct. 8th: Kilkenny Celtic Festival Concert in St. Mary's Cathedral.
- Dec 9th: Kilkenny Lion's Club Concert in St. Canice's Cathedral.
- Dec. 15th: Christmas Carol Concert in St. John's Church.
- Dec. 17th Recorded by KCLR for a programme to be broadcast at
a later date.
- Dec. 21st Annual School Carol Service.
On all of these occasions the choir was accompanied on piano by
Mrs. Kathleen Kelleher and we would like to extend our sincere thanks
to Kathleen for her valued contribution. Thanks also to the parents
of the choirboys for their co-operation throughout the term and
to the boys' class teachers without whose support the choir could
not exist.
Silver Circle
Our annual Silver Circle was yet again a great success this
year. We thank the parents and pupils for their generosity
and support of this project. Total collected was €7,881. After
prizes and commission we will have . Profit will be spent
on school equipment. Please find attached, a list of all winners
to date.
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