School Crest
Kilkenny CBS Primary Kilkenny Information Age
School Activities
  Hurling | Football | Basketball | Outdoor Pursuits | School Choir | Accordion |
French for Fun
| Walking Tour


Gaelic Games are an integral part of school life and Scoil Iognáid Rís has played an important role in contributing to the success of hurling and football in Kilkenny city and county. The school has produced such All-Stars as Joe Hennessy, Mick Crotty and Michael Walsh.

While Gaelic Games are an important part of school life, we provide a wide range of other extra-curricular activities. Other talents are catered for through our School Choir, Basketball, Outdoor Pursuits, Irish Dancing, Accordion Club, Athletics and French for Fun. Pupils are encouraged to participate fully, to the best of their ability, in school activities.

"Bíonn gach tosach lag"

"Tus maith leath na hoibre"


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