Letter 11-To his brother, Father Peter Joseph
J. X. P.
St. Anne's Retreat, Sutton-St. Helen's. Lancashire,
24th May, 1871.
My dear reverend brother,
I was pleased to receive your letter this morning with 200 francs and
a Dutch twenty-five florin banknote enclosed. I have said five Masses
for Christine, and Masses have also been said by the other priests of
the community. Regarding the other Masses, we will gladly do as you
have asked; these will be offered as soon as possible. The Sisters of
the Holy Family (2) assisted at Mass for the repose of Christine's soul,
and all of us, with our friends and other religious, have prayed for
her. If you wish, you can send other offerings for Masses to be celebrated
here. If in future any of our relatives falls ill, please write to me
immediately or send a telegram so that Mass can be said and prayers
be offered for a happy death.
My best wishes to you, dear brother, and to my other brothers and sisters
and my dear uncle, the mayor. Remember me in your prayers. I pray for
you all, and think of you each day during Holy Mass. Give my regards
to the parish priest Father Gobbels, to the curate, and our other friends.
My superiors send their best wishes.
When you write again please give me some news about my brother Matthew
and his family, my sister Mary Anne, and my sister Mary Helen and her
family. Ask them if they are being faithful to their morning and night
prayers, to daily Mass, if possible, and to the rosary in the evening.
Are my brothers John Godfrey and Peter Arnold, the child of God, and
my sister Mary Sibyl still faithful to their prayers?
May the almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless
you all and keep you safe. Amen. God bless you, dearest brother.
In the sweet hearts of Jesus and Mary, Your loving brother,
Fr. Charles of St. Andrew, Passionist.
I received the lovely memorial card.
Letter 11-Notes
1. Summ. p. 340, L. 22.
2. The Cross and Passion Sisters, founded by Mother Mary Joseph Prout,
were known as the Sisters of the Holy Family from their foundation in
1851 until 1875.

7 To his niece, Philomena 1865
8 To his uncle. 1867
To Father Peter 1869
10 To Father Peter 1871
11 To Father Peter 1871
12 To his uncle 1872
