Saint Charles - "Lying-in-state"
Saint Charles death in 1893 his open coffin lay in the Church in Mount
Argus for five days. Crowds thronged to file past the coffin. Fr. Wilfred
explains that when the time came to close the coffin the remains of the
Saint were still supple and no 'rigor mortis' had set in. During this
time the 'Sign' below lay on his brest and some of the saint's hair was

A lock of hair among the relics taken from the body of the saint, probably
during the public lying in state in St Paul's Church.
relic was wrapped in a scrap of paper on which was written:
"Fr Charles hair. Died at Ovada Mt Argus Dublin 1893. Cause sent
to Rome. A real saint. Knew him well"

A Passionist Sign that rested on St. Charles body when he 'lay in state'
before burial.
days of the death of Bl. Charles, Fr. Wilfred 0' Hagan , on January 10th
1893, wrote to a friend, Ada Sheehy in London:
'Dear Ada...I am sending you something which hundreds of thousands in
Ireland would give the world for: the Sign which the old man had on his
breast during the time he was lying in the church...'