Moving Eyes


Honda Rebel 250 - Click To EnlargeI love motorbike's, especially cruisers (you know, the type that you see on Terminator); I think that they look just the part. As l said, in my index page, l used to drive a Honda Rebel 125cc, which was fairly rusty due to the rain (which is quite common over here). Its a good bike, but they don't make them in the 125cc version any more, they still make the 250cc version of them in the States and in Japan, which means that you can't get them in Europe unless you import them, which is a shame.  Its a very good bike, and you could give it a good battering and it'll still come back for more.  It has great mileage, about 250kms, if not more, on the open road, and about 200Kms in around the city, and the tax and insurance are cheap, which is always good.

The Linux PinguinWhat I'd love to own is an Intruder 400cc, or a Goldwing 1200 trike, because I'd love to go touring, especially around Europe and The States.  But, as l said in my index page, the insurance would be astronomical, so that's out for a while.  More than likely, I'll get a car before I'll get any one of these bikes.  You might never know one day l might end up with all three of them, but that's along way off yet.  To be quite honest, I'm quite looking forward to the day when I do actually go in and buy these things, and take them out for there first spin.  That's the best part of buying a new bike, the time you actually get to feel them out, (or break them in, as some people might put it).

The one thing that I'm going to do, and do soon is to join M.A.G. (Motorcyclist Action Group), who represent Irish bike riders both locally and nationally, and there a member of the European Motorcyclist Association, so they have a voice on the European stage as well.  They organise trips locally and nationally as well, which is always nice to go on (if you got the time and money).  They also do charity runs to different places, they do an Easter egg run to and from Kinsale every year for the Children's Ward of the local hospital.  They also have an agreement with insurance companies and retailers to give discounts to M.A.G. members  on most motorbike products and accessories, which is always handy.

There's some lovely scenery around Ireland, and especially Cork (where l live), and the best way to see these is on a motorbike.  Its a lot easier than driving a car, plus you have the added advantage of not blocking traffic as much when you pull over to see something and there exhaust fume's aren't as bad as cars or even buses, plus there easier to park as well.  The only trouble with them is that if your in a serious accident then your going to be seriously hurt (or, god forbid, even killed), but the chances of that happening, if your a good driver, is slim.  And the other draw back is the rain, l hate driving in the rain, but l have to for work.  Some people don't like bikes and that's fair enough, personally l love them because they give you that sense of freedom that you just don't get on anything else.

Unfortunately I left my licence, insurance and tax go, because l haven't used the bike in nearly 18 months.  The reason for that is because l was going to college, which is only 10 minutes walk away from my house, plus the fact that half way through my first year, l left my last job, a job l used my bike all the time for, so l had really no reason to use the bike.  After that the condition of the bike went down the drain.  Its going to cost a fortune to get it repaired.

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

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