Moving Eyes

Welcome To My Website


Me, Myself and IHi, my name is Arthur Neville, and l live in Cork Ireland.  I was born in 1976, which would me 30 - 31 years old at the time l made this site, and I was studying Computer Science at University College Cork, which is the local College.  Here is a link to the Computer Science Department at UCC.  It's a good College with a lot of hard course's and Computer Science is one of them.  There only claim to fame though is that George Boole, the inventor of Boolean Algebra, was the first professor of math's, as a matter of fact the library bears his name, and is politely called the Boole, there's even a set of 6 lecture halls and 5 computer labs in what is known as the Boole basement, and there the main lecture area on campus.

My interests are Making Poverty History, Computers, Sailing, Motorbikes, Cars, Music, and  Movies . l used to drive a Honda Rebel 125 cc, its was fairly rusty at this stage because it rains a lot here in Ireland, which doesn't bode well for driving them either, but l sold it a good while back to a friend of mine, at least he knew what he was getting when he bought it, so I'm not too worried.  But at least it used to get me around the place and that's all l wanted it for.  Some time's it's nice to just get out and drive somewhere on a fine day.  One of these days l would love to own an intruder 400.  There a lovely bike especially when there chromed up to the last.  The insurance for them, for me anyway, would be a fortune, some where in the region of 700 or 800 euro's, which is a lot.

Led Zeplin's "The Hermit"I will hopefully become a member of the 1st field Medical Company F.C.A. (which, for you who don't know, is the army reserves), but l have to lose a lot of weight first.  At the moment l weigh in at about 18 stone (250 lbs) and the doctor up there told me that l had to weigh in at 14 stone 4 lbs (200lbs),  I'll be generous an let you do the math's, although I'm after losing a couple of lbs.  I was a member of An Sluá Muírí (which is the now called The Naval Reserves) here in cork (this is where the sailing comes in), but l had to leave when l went over to England for a while.  I joined up again when l came back, but it had lost its appeal especially when they told me that l had to start off as a recruit again, so l didn't bother, and decided to join my brothers outfit in the F.C.A. and well I'm still waiting to get in. Although a lot of people say that l should go into the computer section of the F.C.A, l want to go into the medical side of it, just so l can get medical/first aid experience, maybe then I'll transfer over, but I'll give it a few years.

As l said earlier, I was studying Computer Science at UCC.  Its a good and interesting course.  We do a lot of stuff here like Systems Organization, Internet Computing, Marketing and Management, Introduction to Programming (using Java ), and Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science.  I have linked some of these courses to the course homepages, but, unfortunately, most of them don't have one so your going to have to find notes somewhere else (if you really want some). But that should be easy to do if you know how to use Google, or another search engine. (This will be repeated again on the Computer section of this site).  What happened with the Computer Course was that l failed some subjects in first year, and l have to repeat them, unfortunately l don't have the money to do that at the moment, and if l don't do it soon, I'll have to repeat the lot of them.

A View Of Cork (Click To Follow)Now l know that there isn't much on this page, but please bear with me because I'm still constructing this site.  I'll be finished as soon as possible.  If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to e-mail me at ajn1"at"  (Please note that this e-mail address isn't hyperlinked, the reason behind this is because people have programs called robots, or in this case called harvester's, out there which go through the website code looking for e-mail address's and then sending a large number of e-mails to them.  l hope you understand.  You can copy  it into your e-mail address bar if you like).  I might put a form up that would make it easer for everyone to submit there views and opinions.  I'll see what l can do, and hopefully it will look, and be good enough.  Well I'll have to finish off all the rest of the site yet, and that's going to be a while cause I've got 20MB to 30MB (if you include my Ireland Online account) to use, and l have problems filling 10MB not alone to say 3 times that amount.  You can see the problems l may have.  Which is basically, running out of things to write, and say.

What I'll be doing over the next few weeks and months is to continue to work on adding to this site and updating it as l go along, and as soon as l get it finished and polished off, I'll post it all up.  This may take a while, but I'll get there, sooner or later.  Then I'll go to work on my Ireland Online account, pop that up, and place a link to it on this site.  I just hope that people will read this site and will think about doing there own one, maybe it will give them a few idea's.

And now for the legal part:-

ExclamationAny of the views or opinions expressed on this website are mine, and mine alone (that is me, Arthur Neville, the beautiful author of this wonderful  and glorious website).  These may or may not be the views of any organizations that l may or may not be associated with.  No view or opinion is inferred of any kind, and if you think that l am, then tough on you.   And that's the legal part over, Spank you very much.

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

Just remember that this site is still under construction, and not all elements are here yet, especially pictures.  So please bear with me for the moment.

Valid HTML 4.01!2005, Arthur Neville, All Rights Reserved. 

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