Moving Eyes


I love politics.  I think that if you have a chance to join a political party, then you should.  I won't tell you what party to join because that would not be right.  l joined Fianna Fail because l think that it is the best party in Ireland, without a shadow of a doubt.  If you want to know more about Political Parties in Ireland then click HERE.  I like Fianna Fail because l believe that it has brought about the economic growth that we are presently enjoying today, and without them, l don't think that we would have made it out of the depression of the eighties.  Fianna Fail have always been forward thinking republicans who want a 32 County Ireland, that has the full backing of the peoples of Ireland.  Without Fianna Fail we would have no peace process at the moment, as Albert Reynolds, a former leader of Fianna Fail, who lead republican paramilitaries to a cease fire in the mid nineties, which paved the way for the Good Friday agreement.

I, myself, hopefully will gain the privilege of running in the local or national elections, or if I'm really privileged, then the European Elections.  But that won't be for a long time yet. I still have to prove myself worthy of such an honour.  Anyway, at 30, l think that I'm still a bit young to be even considered for such an opportunity as that.  As well as that l still have to make up personal policies on which l would want to run, which would incorporate policies of not only Fianna Fail, but those that would be in our economic and social interest.

There are two or three areas of Politics that I'm interested in, and these would be:-

  1. Europe.  This is of interest to me.  The EU is a great organisation which represent over 450 Million people, that span 25 different countries including my own.  The implication for any legislation is mind blowing.  It can also mean that standards and practices can be levelled out at an international level which could benefit millions.

  2. Defence.  This is a vital area for any country, and of interest to me.  While the prospect of war, or any armed conflict, is abhorrent to me, the necessity for a defence system still remains.  While l agree with Ireland's neutrality, l also believe that we, as a nation should step in when case's of ethnic cleansing and similar offences occur.  This would be the right, and the morale, thing to do.

  3. Enterprise, Trade and Employment.  This is a vital area for every country, and of great interest to me.  Without Trade and Employment, a country would not be able to support itself.  As a result, any decisions that are taken in this area can have repercussions that may or may not be in the welfare of the country as a whole.

  4. Make Poverty History.  This is of great interest and importance to me, as you probably know from my Make Poverty History page.  I think that this area is vital for progressive economic sustainability for a lot of countries, developed and otherwise, for the next decade, and more.  While it is an issue of its own, it is also a factor, and l believe a major one, in Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

These are the 4 main areas of interests for me.  However l have just started to read about them as l am quite busy with work.  The problems with trying to read up on these area's are that the sources of information can be structured in such a way that would lead you to the same conclusion held by its author, which is misfortunate.  I would love to read all the reports from the EU but there's just so many of them that it's hard to keep up, as well as the fact that, in order to understand them you need to read all the previous reports on that, and related subjects.

I will put up a page with some of my own policies on them, while I'm not a politician, l do think that these policies would actually work, if they are implemented properly.  As everyone knows, it's the policies, as well as the implementation, that make the difference.  I hope that these policies will be seen, and hopefully implement them in the manner that is in keeping with these policies.  If anyone from any other country country views these policies, and likes what they see, then please feel free to use as much, or as little, as you want too.

I'm also a great believer in Making Poverty History, which is why l have the white band on every page of my website.  I truly believe that we can help 3rd world countries better if we can wipe off all of there debts, with some stipulations, and l also believe that the contribution to the world economy that the 3rd world could make, given half a chance, would be astronomical.  Again this is my own belief and opinion and may or may not be the opinion of any organisation that l may belong too.

Pages in this section:-        [Europe]

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

Just remember that this site is still under construction, and not all elements are here yet, especially pictures.  So please bear with me for the moment.

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