Moving Eyes

Where I live and What it's like!

The English Market 1As l said on my index page l come from a City in Ireland called Cork.  In hurling, which is a national game over here, we are called the "rebels", why? I don't honestly know, it's probably just one of those nickname's that local teams get.  I was reading a while back that the City is the 2005 European City of Culture and I'm still trying to figure out how that happened, I mean the place has about as much culture as Ozzy Osborne's 40 year old jockstrap (and the odour to match).  I suppose any hometown is pretty boring if your in it all your life, I suppose the only time you miss it is when your not there any more.  I'm grand in a sense that after I get my degree l going to move somewhere and see what life is like somewhere else, you know, see how other people do things.  I find the city rather small and confining, fair enough you have a lot to see if your a tourist, but if you live here and have seen them all before then it gets rather monotonous and boring.

Cork City (Click To Follow)The only thing that isn't boring at the moment around here is my Computer Science degree and making this website, which I'm enjoying very much.  But the only reason for that is because I'm highly interested in these area's.  Anyway, getting back to Cork City and County, the areas of interest for tourists would be Blarney Castle, in Blarney Co Cork, famous for the Blarney stone, Shandon Steeple, in the north side of the city, famous for its bells, St Fin Barr's Cathedral, on the south side of the city (not too far from where yours truly lives), famous for its fine architecture and, of course, UCC, on College road in the south side of the city. famous for its fine architecture, fine education and George Boole (the inventor of Boolean Algebra).

And Another (Click To Follow)There are other place's worthy of note, but I'm feeling generous today and what I'll do is ask you to find out of any places in Cork city and County and if you find any you can e-mail me at ajn1"at" and I'll (hopefully) put them up on this website.  As I'm feeling so generous I'll give you a couple of hints, The Lough (which l can see right now), Fitzgerald park and museum, The Elizabethan Fort on Barrack Street, and the Royal Cork Yacht Club in Crosshaven. now that's it, your on your own. You'll have to go away and find out what these places are all about, if you can. I doubt it though, you'll probably fob this off and say that it isn't worth it or that I'm living here and that I'm living here and should, by right, put them up here. Well, all I'm going to say to that is go on you feel better if you did, and you'll get to show up one of the native's, which, may l say, will be quite easy to do.

I don't want to do too much here because I'll feel like the local tourist board otherwise.  I'll put up a form that will allow you to make suggestions and you'll be able to submit it directly to me, and I'll update the website as appropriate.  Hopefully you all will respond with some pretty good stuff.  Although I'll be surprised if anyone responds.

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

Just remember that this site is still under construction, and not all elements are here yet, especially pictures.  So please bear with me for the moment

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