Moving Eyes


Clipart Of A DesktopI think that computers are the best thing since the sliced pan, just imagine what they can do! Most  computers can only do a very basic amount of things, if you strip them down to the hardware, and yet they landed man on the moon, control machines that build cars and computers themselves, they even control nuclear power plants.  I think that it's amazing what they can do. And now, with the advent of nanotechnology things will get a whole lot more interesting.  Nanotechnology is the creation of microscopic computers. An entire desktop computer can be reduced to the size of a mobile phone if not smaller. which l think is so cool.

Clipart Of A LaptopI have 4 Computers, 3 laptops and a desktop.  The first Laptop that l used is an old one.  It's an AST Ascentia P series. To let you know AST went out of business in 1999, as far as I'm aware of, and my laptop is about 2 - 3 years older than that.  It has a 1gb hard drive with 64mb ram, a main battery with a spare (both of which are  gone wonky).  The secondary battery port also interchangeable with the CD drive and the floppy drive.  It has a docking station with a printer attached (canon bjc1000).  Its running Red Hat Linux version 7.3 with gnome interface (and not all of its installed either).  I just got a new laptop, a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo L1310.  80 Gigabyte hard drive, 512 ram, Wi-Fi, NIC, 15.4 widescreen crystal display, dual layer DVD/CD combo drive, and all for €1000, which, in Ireland, is pretty good. Its still running windows, the reason why l won't install Linux is because it will invalidate the warranty, thanks to Bill Gates and his bloody agreements.  I might just stick to windows, and use VMware to run Linux from that.

I am tempted to take off Windows on my desktop and put on Linux.  I definitely won't be putting it on my laptop, because I'll need that for when l go back to College, but l will use VMware for any Linux that I'll need, I'll show the VMware/Linux to the college lecturers, and see what they think of it.  I'll see if l can copy all of windows onto a DVD, so l can restore windows if l need to.  I'm getting in Broadband as well, about time, I can't wait for it to come in the post, although by the time l post this then it will probably already have it.  I'm after opening an E-bay account, to see what type of bits and pieces l can get fairly cheaply.  I'm just hoping that there's a lot of of American stuff that you can't get hear, but we shall see what we shall see.

I also have a Packard Bell desktop pc.  It has 256mb ram, 80gb HD, DVD/RW and printer (bjc2000) and Windows XP, Office 2003 Professional and FrontPage 2003.  The only thing l have against it is that it has no floppy drive, although l suppose l could use a USB memory stick.  They say dells are good, l might get one, or else l might build one myself, but if l do that l would go totally over board.  I mean like 2 x 120gb hard drive (one master and one slave), 1.5gb of ram, dual layer DVD+/-RW, zip drive and the whole shooting gallery.  But that's only a dream at the moment.

I personally prefer Linux over windows because its a lot more stable than other operating systems that l have been exposed too.  Plus the fact that it comes free is a good feature as well.  The thing is that it comes with a lot of good software as well, like Apache web server, Ghost script (which means that you can print to PDF format), Star office or Open office which is the Linux version of office. It also have two types of printing software called Cups and LPD. Cups is more used for internet printing, while LPD is more for local printing, however LPD can be configured for intranet printing.  The only thing that l have against Linux is the fact that it isn't like windows in it's installation, and patching.  Anyone who has ever tried to install and patch Linux will know what it is like, for those who don't then all l can tell you is that you don't want to know.  I've been using Linux for over a year and l still find it hard to patch a system, and the fact that information for certain applications, and drivers for some hardware, within the operating system is strung out all over the place.  Other than that, and if you know enough about operating systems, then l would recommend Linux

The Linux PinguinNot saying that there's anything wrong with windows, its just that l don't like it, and the last thing that l want is for a windows geek to be getting on to me saying that windows is better than Linux because of this or that, frankly l don't care, l just prefer Linux because l think that its a lot more stable and a lot better overall. The areas of interest that l enjoy in this field Signals Intelligence (Spy Systems), Programming, Web Design and Authoring and Networking  I'll put up pages to these areas as soon as possible, and I'll try to include as much information as possible.  If l put up any links to courses then they'll probably be in Colleges around Cork City.  I'll see what l can do, although l won't promise anything.

I've just installed VMware, which means that l can run Linux from my pc, even though it's running windows at the time.  Its great because you don't have to worry about installing Linux and windows on a dual boot system, plus you can switch between the 2 systems without having to do a reboot.  You could also run a windows program and a Linux program at the same time.    I might be going over to New York in October, and if l do, then I'll buy myself a Linux laptop.  Linux laptops, or desktops, aren't really done over here, unless you want to build one yourself, which is quite a shame.  What l want to do as well, is to build my own network, along with servers, the whole nine yards, the only thing that's holding me back is the space, and the price a little bit.

I've just downloaded Microsoft's Visual Studio Express Edition, it seems to be quite a good package with stuff visual c#, c++, j#, web developer as well as SQL server 2005.

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

Just remember that this site is still under construction, and not all elements are here yet, especially pictures.  So please bear with me for the moment.

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