Moving Eyes


LE EithneSailing is a nice hobby to have.  I quite enjoy it, especially when it's a nice day with a good, warm wind.  I used to be in An Sluá Muírí no 4 Coy Collins Barracks.  For those of you who don't know what An Sluá Muírí is, then it's the naval reserves.  They go out sailing most weekends in a BP18, which is an 18 foot boat which you can sail or row.  Many weekends, l remember, been out in Cork harbour, rowing and sailing, in the BP18.  They used to have a yacht called the Nancy Bet but they sold her, a number of years ago, and bought a tug instead.  I've recently saw the Nancy Bet, and she looks in a terrible state, her main mast is warped, the paint job is peeling off and she looked like she hadn't been anti-fouled since we sold her, which is a crying shame.

LE AislingI was a member of An Sluá Muírí (which is the now called The Naval Reserves) here in cork (this is where the sailing comes in), but l had to leave when l went over to England for a while.  I joined up again when l came back, but it had lost its appeal especially when they told me that l had to start off as a recruit again, so l didn't bother.  I spent a good couple of years in the Sluá Muírí, and it was a good laugh, the stories that l could tell about weekends away are unbelievable.  The best part of being in the Sluá Muírí was the fact that l got to be an extra in Mel Gibson's movie Braveheart, which was partly filmed behind the Curragh camp in Kildare, but that's another story.

Naval FleetI'd love to own a boat of my own, but it would be too expensive to keep it in good condition, and with the diesel and mooring charges, and repairs, etc, etc, it would cost an arm and a leg.  Still though, might be worth it.  I suppose, you could make a business out of it, taking people out on trips and the like.  But that could be a pain in the arse.  I'm put links for US Sailing and Learning To Sail so if anyone wants to learn how to sail, then they can.  I suspect that these links won't be used that much as this site is buried a tiny bit, and hardly nobody will see it, but what the heck, its there anyway.  Anyway, l might be pleasantly surprised at how many people view this site, but that for another page.

I have relatives that own a boatyard in Crosshaven, I wouldn't really know them, but there my mum's first cousin's, so she would know them more than l would, although l prefer being a computer geek, l always wondered what it would be like to be a shipwright.  I was never good with my hands anyway, (except were it counted, if you know what l mean he he he he!!!!).  I have seen the Nancy Bet, the boat that the Sluá used to own, and its after going straight down the toilets.  Apparently they'll have to strip it down to the hull, and rebuild it back up again.  That's going to cost a fortune.

I always wanted to own my own boat, but the running cost's are a bit too expensive.  I suppose l could do a deal with the Sluá, but l don't know if they'd go for what l would want them to do!  Having said that, the only things that l would ask for is for them to insure, maintain and moor the vessel.  I don't thing that is too much to ask, however they are hard crowd to do a deal with!  That is the only way l could own a boat, unless l win the lottery, of course, and in that case, l wouldn't live in Ireland, I'd go off to somewhere like the Caribbean, or Greece or somewhere like that.

I don't really have much to say on this page, until l get some good photographs, but I'll get it updated as soon as l can, and hopefully it will be a lot better than what it is at the moment.

Just in case you are wondering what the white band in the top corner is for, then it is a link to a website that is trying to make poverty history as soon as possible, if anyone wants to know what they are about then click on this link, or this link, or this link, to see some film. Then you can decide for yourself if you want a white band on your website.  You might also get a blocked content notice from your browser.  This is due to the white band, and is nothing to worry about.  You can look at the code of this page, if you really want, to check it out for yourself.

Just remember that this site is still under construction, and not all elements are here yet, especially pictures.  So please bear with me for the moment.

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