


Paul McArthur


Hotrock climbing wall's opening times and prices 


The new 'Hotrock' climbing wall at Tollymore Mountain Centre released its

new pricing system and opening times.


The climbing wall will be open from 10.00am until 10.00pm Monday to Saturday

and from 10.00am until 6.00pm on Sunday. The 'coffee dock' will only be open

from 5.00pm until 10.00pm during the week, but open all day during the



The new pricing system is as follows (NOTE all prices are in £stg):

Adult £3.50

MCI Members £3.00

Youth/Umemployed £2.00

Under 12 £1.50

Colleges & Schools £1.30

Group Rates (12+ per) £2.50 (Pre-Booked)

Group Rates (12+ per) Youth £1.30 (Pre-Booked)

Yearly Membership Adult £30.00, Admission £2.50

Yearly Membership Youth £20.00, Adimission £1.50

MCI Members Membership £10.00, Admission £2.50


Instructed Sessions Phone for details


Please Note: Age Restrictions Will Apply - Phone for details



Tollymore Mountain Centre, Bryansford,

Newcastle, Co Down, BT33 0PT

Tel: (028) 43725354

(from Republic that's 00+44-28-43725354)





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