Welcome to the Wolfe Tone YC managers page. This page is intended to inform club managers, assistants and coaches of what is happening in the club and the League. If there is something you as managers would like to see included please contact us at with your suggestions.
The field management will try to mark the pitches weekly but it will not always be possible so it is the nominated teams responsibility to check the pitches on a weekly basis. Rotas- click below:
Temple Sports Field 11-a side pitch rota 2015-16
Temple Sports Field 11-a-side pitch marking rota 2014-15
U12 Fixtures 2015-16 Click here U14 Fixtures 2015-16 Click here U15 Fixtures 2015-16 Click here
Coaching drills from Alan Reynolds- Click here
02-02-2016: Managers meeting.
Please note there will be a managers meeting on Thursday 4th February at 8pm. All managers and/ or assistants are required to attend. 06-11-2015: Quick guide to rules, u10, u11, u12.
Guide to new rules- Click here
18-10-2015: Managers meeting.
Please note there will be a managers meeting on Wednesday 21st October at 8pm. All managers and/ or assistants are required to attend.
08-10-2015: Upcoming coaching courses.
Code of Ethics Course 16th October 2015 - Wicklow Town.
Fundamentals of Goalkeeping
November 29th 9.00am- 5.30pm
Lamberton, Arklow Town,
Both These Workshops can Now be Booked online on the FAI Website.
22-09-2015: New seasonMessage from Alan Reynolds re Player Development Plan, new footballs etc.
Player Development Plan
New playing Formats
Videos of new formats
&U14) should be used if they are available on site. However, if the new football is not available on site then the traditional size 4 or 5 as appropriate to the age group can be used. This has been communicated to referees and will also be communicated to all league secretaries.
18-09-2015: New season
Best wishes to our managers and teams as we come to the start of a new season with new game structures for our non-competitive teams. The WDSL has issued the following guidelines:
WDSL Competition rules 2015-16
WDSL disciplinary guidelines 2015-16
FAI guidelines on player development plan
04-08-2015: Managers meeting
There will be an important managers meeting on Thursday 6th August at 8pm. The meeting will cover WDSL format changes for 2015-16 as well as important registration information. All managers are required to attend or contact John Walton.
04-07-2015: WDSL season 2015-16 changes.
In line with the FAI national plan, there will be changes to the structure of games from seson 2015-16. This is the text of an email from WDSL Chairman, Peter Porter.
Due to upcoming changes in the FAI National Plan attached is structure for competitive age groups for 2015/2016 in the WDSL.
We have kept U11 this year as competitive as those players last season played competitive football . We are sending this now to give insight of what is happening in competitive football for 2016/17 and a guide of what will happen in non -competitive football . Due to changes in game format in plan we are introducing a player registration fee rather than team as corresponded earlier.
• U8/9/10 Non-competitive – awaiting structure confirmation mid-July from SFAI/FAI on FAI Plan 1+2 attached.
• U11 No change from 2015/2016 Season
• U12 9 aside 6yd box to 6yd box on full pitch , or 80 *50m on a standalone pitch RO RO Sub,
• U13 No change 11 aside RO RO Sub , Full pitch
• U14 No Change 11 aside RO RO Sub, Full pitch
• U15 No Change 11 aside RO RO Sub, Full pitch
• U16 No change 11 aside RO RO Sub, full pitch
Please note that clubs may have to purchase Size 5 balls at correct wait see attached FAI Plan 1+2 for SFAI Cups ( we await clarification)
Non-competitive football the league will send structure asap, outside of changes we will be running a number of blitz formats and futsal for all in both North and South of County.
The FAI will issue its operational booklet in mid-July regarding the implementation of recommendations 1+2 of the Player Development Plan and in line with that the SFAI Cups rules for the new season reflect the changes required to comply with those recommendations including that the U/12 SFAI Cup will be played at the 9-a-side format, please study the SFAI Cups rules on the entry system.
U11 2015-16
U12 2015-16
FAI national plan
28-04-2015: Managers meeting.
There will be an important managers meeting on Tuesday 5th May at 8pm. The meeting will cover Cup and Shield finals, membership and A.O.B. All managers are required to attend.
03-03-2015: Managers please note, message from WDSL.
Clubs have been emailed asked to read the following and also to bring same to the attention of every Manager within their Club to avoid disappointment.
As we now have nine weeks left to play our games, (not including Easter), there is absolutely no room for game cancellations,
we have some teams with four League games yet to be played and their Shield games not even begun, so even with good weather conditions, midweek games, and all going according to plan we will be doing very well to complete our season on time.
After next weekend the majority of League divisions will be decided, some already are and there will be no further fixtures for
each of these where not necessary, the amount of time required to see each Shield out will be calculated at this stage also and
the decision made as to whether both legs of each fixture can be played, this is through no fault of any Club, merely as a result
of our wonderful temperate climate here in Ireland, but nonetheless it leaves us with the job of having to adhere to set games
and do our utmost to avoid cancellations, as one team cancelling games affects hundreds of Players and holds up things for
entire divisions in the long run, something we can no longer afford at this stage.
25-02-2015: Coaching courses.
Kick Start One, Saturday 14th March, Shamrock Park, Rathnew.
Strength & Conditioning Workshop, Thursday 26th March, Shamrock Park.
Book through the FAI website.
19-02-2015: Managers meeting.
There will be a managers meeting on Monday next, 23rd February at 8pm. All managers are expected to attend.
17-02-2015: Membership fees.
It is vitally important that membership fees which are now overdue are collected as soon as possible. Lists are in managers pigeon-holes, please take yours and we need a big effort from managers to collect the outstanding money.
15-01-2015: Concussion.
Football Association of Ireland: Summary Concussion Guidelines
•Concussion can be defined as a brain injury that arises from trauma to the head, neck or through an impulsive force to the head from elsewhere in the body.
•Concussion results in a disturbance of brain function and should be treated as a serious and significant injury with potentially fatal consequences.
•A player does not need to lose consciousness to be concussed
•The onset of symptoms can occur over minutes but can be delayed for hours
•The common symptoms of concussion include headache, dizziness, memory loss, disturbance of balance
•All coaches, parents, referees should familiarise themselves with the pocket concussion recognition tool to assist in identifying concussion.
•All doctors, physiotherapists and paramedics should familiarise themselves with the pocket concussion recognition tool and with SCAT 3 and Child- Scat 3 to assist in identifying concussions
•Most concussions (80-90%) resolve over a 7-10 day period but may persist for considerably longer
•It is very important to note that the symptoms of concussion in children and adolescents can be prolonged and can in certain circumstances last for weeks or months.
•Concussed players should not be left alone
•Concussed players should not drive, should not take alcohol and should be escorted home
•Players who suffer a concussion should consult with their medical practitioner before returning to play.
•The successful management of concussion is best achieved through physical and mental rest.
•Medical clearance is necessary in all players who suffer a concussion before they can return to play.
•There should be a graded return to training activity.
•Children and adolescents should not return to any activity until they have made a successful return to school/college.
•Return to play guidelines follows a stepwise approach outlined below.
1.No activity – symptom limited physical and cognitive rest. Recovery is the objective.
2.Light aerobic activity – walking, swimming, stationary bike. Increase in heart rate is the objective.
3.Sport specific exercise – running drills. The objective is to add movements.
4.Non-contact drills – passing drills. The objective is to exercise, add coordination and cognitive load.
5.Full contact practice – This should be medically cleared. The objective is to restore confidence and assess functional skills by coaching staff.
6.Return to play.
Dr Alan Byrne
Medical Director
The Football Association of Ireland
Child sport concussion assessment tool age 5-12 Click here Sport concussion assessment tool Click here
Pocket concussion recognition tool Click here
15-01-2015: Coaching courses.
Kick Start 1 (8 contact hours)
Rathnew F.C.
14/03/2015 9.00am- 5.30pm
Rathnew F.C.
27/06/2015 9.00am- 5.30pm
... .......................................................................
Kick Start 2 (17 contact hours)
Rathnew F.C.
29/09/2015 9.00am 5.30
30/09/2015 9.00am 5.30
4v4 Games Workshop (3 contact hours)
Rathnew F.C.
Wicklow 25/02/2015
7v7 Games Workshop (3 contact hours)
Rathnew F.C.
Wicklow 15/07/2015 6.30pm-9.30pm
Strength & Conditioning Workshop (3 contact hours)
Rathnew F.C.
Wicklow 26/03/2015 6.30pm-9.30pm
07-01-2015: Managers meeting.
John has called a managers meeting for Tuesday next, 13th January at 8pm. All managers are expected to attend.
05-01-2015: Session Planners.
Please consider these sessions provided by Alan Reynolds.
3v1 playing out from the back.
4v2 playing out from the back.
6v4 playing out from the back.
01-12-2014: Fun soccer games for age 9-11.
Alan Reynolds has provided us with these games for 9-11 years old. Click here to open.
06-11-2014: Child protection workshop.
There will be a child protection workshop in the club on Saturday 15th November from 10am to 1pm. This is a mandatory course for managers, assistants, coaches and anyone else helping run a team. Names should be given to John Walton as soon as possible. There will be no fixtures for our teams on that Saturday.
31-10-2014: Managers meeting.
There is an important managers meeting on Thursday 6th November at 8pm. We want to hear managers ideas and feedback on how the club proceeds with fundraising activities and how money raised should be used etc. This is YOUR chance to have your opinion heard, so please come along and let us know what you think.
05-10-2014: Managers meeting.
John Walton has called a managers meeting for Tuesday 7th October at 8pm. All managers are expected to attend.
01-10-2014: Club membership fees.
Managers, please remind your players that club membership fees for this season are now overdue. Anyone who hasn't yet paid should arrange to do so at the earliest opportunity.
25-09-2014: Lucky Numbers Draw.
The first Lucky Numbers Draw for the new season will take place on Thursday 2nd October. Please make sure you distribute the envelopes and return them to the club before the first draw.
11-09-2014: Message from Paul Dowling, Evening Herald.
This is my email -
My contact number is the same - 0868554856.
Please pass this information to club managers also.
Here's how things are going to work for the Herald for the 2014/15 season.
The one major change is that the WDSL is moving from Striker 1 on Monday's to Striker 2 on Tuesday's.
There is only one page available for coverage.
In that must go a match report, Short Passes article, results, fixtures and notices.
I will endeavour to do my best to include at least one team picture a week.
I need results and scorers from all the games.
All the information ideally needs to be with me by 6.00 p.m. on Sunday's.
That's the dead-line set out by Chris McGeary and Noel Morrissey, so if you are sending results to him by that time, I would appreciate it also.
I would prefer the information sent to me by email or text.
I need all the help I can get.
I will do my best to give the WDSL the best possible coverage.
Best of luck to all clubs for the 2014/15 season.
02-09-2014: WDSL calendar 2104-15.
Click here for the WDSL calendar for the new season.
01-09-2014: Managers meeting.
The next managers meeting will be on Wednesday 3rd September at 8pm. All managers must attend or send a representative from their team. Failure to attend will
mean the club may assume you are no longer involved with a team.
13-08-2014: Registration evening.
The second and final club registration night is on Tuesday 19th August from 7.30- 9.30pm. Managers MUST attend this evening as players who have not paid at least half the fee will be unable to play for the club. Managers need to urgently convey this message to parents.Managers who do not attend will be considered to no longer be interested in managing a team.
30-07-2014: Registration evening.
The first registration evening will be on Tuesday 5th August. U8-u11 registration will be 7.30- 8.30pm, u13-u17 from 8.30- 9.30pm. At least one manager from each team must be present at these times. Details of the fees are on the front page of our website.
30-07-2014: Training.
There is no training allowed in Ballywaltrim at the moment. Please do not overuse the big pitch at Temple Sportsfield, it is still under repair.
30-07-2014: Vetting.
There is a new requirement that all coaches must be vetted through the FAI for the new season. This is in addition to Crosscare vetting. Please ensure all coaches attend to this urgently.
30-07-2014: SFAI calendar 2014-15.
National Cups First Round 27/28 September 2014
National Cups Second Round 18/19 October 2014
National Cups Third Round 8/9 November 2014
National Cups Fourth Round 29/30 November 2014
National Cups Round of 32 31 Jan/1 Feb 2015
National Cups Round of 16 21/22 February 2015
National Cups Quarter Finals 21/22 March 2015
National Cups Semi Finals 18/19 April 2015
Provision is being left open for the setting up of dates for the group stages of the inter-League competitions.
Inter-League Group games to commence by: December 2014
Inter-League Group winners play offs 25/26 April 2015
Inter-League National Semi Finals 9/10 May 2015
National Cups Finals 16/17 May 2015
Inter-League National Finals 23/24 May 2015
Kennedy Cup 8th - 12th June 2015
Easter weekend: Friday 3rd to Monday 6th April 2015
16-07-2014: Managers meeting.
The next managers meeting will be on Monday 28th July at 8pm. It is very important for managers to attend this meeting in preparation for the new season.
16-07-2014: Club gear.
Can all managers please ensure they have adequate club gear in time for the start of the new season. Most gear can be ordered online from Top Sports, link in the column on the left of this page.
03-07-2014: Important managers meeting.
There will be an important managers meeting on Tuesday 15th July at 8pm. All managers who intend runing a team next season must attend. Anyone unavailable please organise an assistant to attend.
28-06-2014: Trophies for Presentation Day.
Managers are asked to please bring Shields and trophies won this season to the Presentation Day tomorrow please.
26-06-2014: WDSL Leagues 2014-15.
The WDSL has formed the competitive Leagues for next season. Our teams at the moment are as follows:
U10A (2005)- Premier.
U10B (2005)- Division One.
U11 (2004)- Premier.
U13A (2002)- Premier.
U13B (2002)- Division One.
U14A (2001)- Division One.
U14B (2001)- Division One.
U15 (2000)- Premier.
U16A (1999)- Premier.
U16B (1999)- Premier.
23-06-2014: Vetting reminder.
Managers are reminded that anybody not garda vetted will not be allowed to have anything to do with a team for the new season. This includes assistants and coaches so managers need to ensure their helpers are vetted.
21-06-2014: Presentation Day.
The club presentation day is on Sunday 29th June at 3pm in the Centre. Managers are reminded that they must not reveal Player of the Year, Players Player of the Year or Clubman of the Year winners before the presentation day under any circumstances.
02-06-2014: Important manager's meeting.
There will be an important managers information meeting on Tuesday 10th June at 8pm. It is very important that all managers who intend having a team next season attend.
28-05-2014: Garda vetting, new season.
All managers and assistants MUST be garda vetted before they can be involved with a team for the new season. As this takes time you are reminded to get your forms submitted now. If you are already vetted, please confirm with the club that we have your vetting number. It is very important that you also bring this to the attention of your assistants and coaches. Ron will be calling a managers meeting soon and this will be reiterated. Also, fees for the coming season have increased and we have a new system to collect them. There will be policy of no pay, no play enforced. Players will nott be allowed sign League forms until they are properly registered with the club. The information is on the front page of the website and you should familiarise yourselves with it.
25-05-2014: A.G.M.
The club's A.G.M. takes place on Tuesday 27th May at 8pm in the boardroom. Can managers please inform their players parents of this, all members are invited to attend.
14-05-2014: New dressing rooms.
The new dressing rooms are available to use, the manager must sign for the key in the office and return it afterwards.
03-05-2014: Free coaching courses.
We have free access to 4v4 and 7v7 coaching workshops coming up. There are up to 10 places available on each course. Book online at Use voucher code QWBIZ9WLF4V4 for the 4v4 workshops and UN9ZAWWLF7V7 for the 7v7's.
**There is a 4v4 workshop hosted by Ardmore Rovers on 23rd May 2014, 6pm to 9pm.
Also, Kick Start 2 hosted by Ardmore Rovers on 21st-22nd June 2014, 9am to 5.30pm each day. (Voucher not valid for this course).
27-04-2014: Fixtures secretary.
John Walton has resumed as fixtures secretary. Thank you all for your cooperation in his absence. Results and scorers should still be texted to Mick Gillman.
18-04-2014: Fixtures.
There will be no call-offs of games allowed between now and the end of the season- if we can't fit it into a midweek slot, walkovers will be awarded.
15-04-2014: Opening.
All managers and assistants are invited to the official opening of our new dressing rooms on Friday 9th May at 3pm. Please inform your parents also.
09-04-2014: Managers meeting.
Threre will be a managers meeting on Tuesday 15th April at 8pm. All managers and/or assistants are required to attend.
08-04-2014: Midweek games.
The WDSL has decided that any games called off for whatever reason will now go to a midweek game.
Our schedule for midweek games in Ballywaltrim is Saturday teams u12A, u14, u15B will play on Tuesdays while the Sunday teams u12B, u13A, u13B will play on Thursdays.
07-04-2014: Easter games.
The WDSL have informed us that there WILL be games on Easter weekend, the backlog does not allow them to schedule a free weekend. Also, midweek games will now be scheduled.
06-04-2014: Butch Doran's Easter blitz.
If any managers intend bringing a team to the Easter blitz advertised below, could you please contact Tony Butch Doran as soon as possible as he is putting the groups together. It'll be a great few days of competitive football.
01-04-2014: Final reminder to managers.
All managers please note, TWO WEEKS notice in writing is required for alteration of fixtures. Please check regularly with your players to foresee any upcoming events which would necessitate a change of fixture. NO further requests without two weeks notice will be entertained. The only exception to this that will be considered is u8/ u9 non-competitive games.
29-03-2014: Easter Blitz.

29-03-2014: WDSL Cup fixtures.
Cup fixtures are now available on the WDSL website.
24-03-2014: McDonalds FAI Future Football 2014.
The FAI are running the McDonalds Future Football competition again this year. We do not have dates yet. There are free coaching courses included as well as a football tournament with a national final. Would any managers u8 to u10 interested in taking part please get in touch with Ron.
24-03-2014: Final Loreto training for this season.
The last training session at Loreto for our 11 a side teams will be on Monday 31st March.
23-03-2014: Managers co-op required.
As you're aware John is ill so I'm (Mick) looking after his WDSL duties. I'm not quite up to speed on all the ins and outs of how it all works but with your cooperation we're getting there. If any manager needs an alteration for any weekend, remember two weeks notice are required, otherwise nothing can be done. Any requests for fixture alterations must go through Mick as per how it worked with John. Any disciplinary issues should be reported to Mick or Ron at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for your cooperation, things will get busier soon with the introduction of midweek games. Please be aware also that fixtures are set on Sunday/ Monday but the referee allocations are issued on Thursday evening and it happens that kick off times may be altered at this stage so make sure to recheck your fixture, preferably on Friday.
15-03-2014: Easter football tournament.
Following on from last years brilliant soccer blitz in East Glendalough School and Wicklow Towns' Finlay Park , we are pleased to announce that this great event in aid of Wicklow Cancer Support will run again over the Easter Weekend.
This website will be updated with details as teams are registered and the day is planned accordingly, please read below from Tony ;
I Tony Butch Doran On behalf of the Wicklow Cancer Support and my Doran family in conjunction with Wicklow Town A.F.C and East Glendalough School thank all the clubs and people who supported our first ever ` EASTER SOCCER BLITZ ` which was a fantastic success for a very worthy charity Last Year 2013. MONEY RAISED LAST EASTER WAS A FANTASTIC 5000 Euros. As spokesman of the event I was overwhelmed by the good will and kindness shown by all who gave up their time on Good Friday and also to the players / coaches/ parents / families who helped raise the fantastic amount.
I must thank all the referees for their continued support and also would like to thank the Wicklow Schoolboys League to date for there support to ensure this year's event is a bigger and better success.
Details for the Weekend are as follows:
? Open to Schoolboys and Girls
? Rules are basically same as last year : 10min games no h/t , no offside , games will be 7 a side etc
? Good Friday 18th April will host the Soccer Blitz for U8's up to U14's
o U8's – U10's Teams that are entered will play all their games between 10am and 1pm
? Runners Only acceptable on the day to play in
? Teams Interested is to contact Tony Butch Doran
? Entries no Later than Sunday 6th April
? Fixtures will be posted to clubs and on Website no Later than the 13th April
? 10 Min Games no Half Times (TBC closer to event pending on amount of teams)
o U12's – U14's Teams that are entered will play all their games between 2pm and 5pm
? Runners Only acceptable on the day to play in
? Teams Interested is to contact Tony Butch Doran
? Entries no Later than Sunday 6th April
? Fixtures will be posted to clubs and on Website no Later than the 13th April
? 10 Min Games no Half Times (TBC closer to event pending on amount of teams)
? Easter Saturday 19th April will host the Soccer Blitz for the following Groups
o U15's and U16's 10am – 1pm
? Teams Interested is to contact Tony Butch Doran
? Entries no Later than Sunday 6th April
? Fixtures will be posted to clubs and on Website no Later than the 13th April
? 10 Min Games no Half Times (TBC closer to event pending on amount of teams)
? Saturday Afternoon will host an Adult Soccer Tournament between 3 clubs and the Local Gardai
o This will run between 2pm and 5pm
o Teams must field a selection of Legends that played with the club in the past and that are over 35
o Rules and Match Times TBC
o Clubs to provide own Gear / Balls Etc
o 20 mins a side
o All Welcome to Join Players / Supporters / Friends / Family and representatives from Wicklow Cancer Research
o Light snacks and Beverages in Whistlers Bar Wicklow Town Saturday Evening from 7pm
I will have full set rules in near future and will notify all teams entered once we have received Entries by no later Sunday 6th April. Teasm will be notified of Times and Fixtures by no Later 13th April
As stated all money raised goes to charity so no trophies and we hope like last year to give all Players taking part a goodies gift bag when they are finished their games , this was the very pleasing thing that people actually congratulated our event due to no trophies and played in a very sporting manner. The Shop will be available throughout the weekend with the use of the facilities at the school or the pitches. All purchases from the shop will go towards Wicklow Cancer Support
``There is no fee but we do ask all teams entering take a sponsor card and try and gain funds for this charity"
I'm seeking your kind help in that you forward this letter or Notify via the press to all clubs in WDSL Boys & Girls on my behalf
You can get me Tony Butch Doran by email or my mobile 087 3637797 or WCS 0404 32696
Event will be on top of us in a flash so if your club is interested please contact
me as soon as possible so we can have schedule made up well before kick off day
As you might wonder why I'm doing this event for W.C.S, I have members of my Family in recovery from cancer and without W.C.S. it would be even harder to cope as they are a great help to all in our community
Yours in Sport thanking all for kind goodwill and support
Tony (Butch) Doran
09-03-2014: Silent sideline weekend.
The silent sideline weekend March 15th & 16th.
The WDSL are asking all their member Clubs to observe the following request for the weekend of the 15th & 16th of March 2014.
This idea was proposed a couple of months ago and has been adopted by one or two Clubs already.
This is a simple procedure which will see all our 21 affilliated Clubs having two of their members present at matches for this weekend, one on each line to explain to all present this simple philosophy.
There is to be no Coaching from the sidelines during actual play, this is to be done at the beginning, half time or preferably at training before the game.
All spectators are to observe the clap only rule, please applaud good play from both sides and under no circustance coach Players or interfere with the Referees decisions.
These are simple guidelines that can be explained by the two Club representatives present, one for each sideline.
No decisions taken by Referees to be questioned by Coaches.
Any Person in breach of this simple request should be asked to return to their car or sit in the dressing room until the game is over.
Ask not what the score is when you Child comes off the pitch, ask them if they enjoyed their game.
We Coach them during the week to respect the Referee, please do not let your Child down by being the one who does not.
The Children we are shouting at are the ones who are playing sports, training, interacting with their peers socially in an enviroment we want them to feel safe in and I say we, as I know you all feel the same.
If we have not already instilled our vast knowledge into their innocent little minds, we will not acchieve this by shouting it at them whilst they are trying to impress us.
Remember, they do not drive to training, sign forms, pay membership fees, buy kit, we do, for them to do what they are doing, oh and they do not shout at us.
Thank you.
06-03-2014: Lucky Numbers draw.
Unfortunately the Lucky Numbers draw has been very poorly supported recently and the club has in fact been losing money on the draw. The effect of this may be higher fees, no Loreto training etc. It is in everyone's interest to support the draw so could managers please ensure they distribute and collect the envelopes.
26-02-2014: Managers, assistants contact details.
Could all managers and assistants please ensure the club has your phone numbers and addresses on file. Also, all managers, assistants and coaches MUST be vetted, again please ensure the club has your vetting numbers on file. As stated previously, please be aware that managers/ assistants/ coaches NOT VETTED WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH CHILDREN.
18-02-2014: Garda vetting.
All managers, assistants and coaches MUST be Garda vetted through our insurers, the CYC. Anyone who has not done so should inform the club of their vetting number. MANAGERS NOT VETTED WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH CHILDREN. This was on the agenda for the recent managers meeting which unfortunately was very poorly attended so managers should take urgent note of this announcement.
06-02-2014: Manager's meeting.
Ron has called an urgent managers meeting for Thursday 1th February 2014 at 8pm. All managers to attend.
28-01-2014: Manager's meeting.
The first manager's meeting of 2014 takes place on Tuesday 4th February at 8pm. All amangers are requested to attend.
16-01-2014: FAI Summer Soccer School.
The FAI have been in touch and wish to run the Summer Soccer School at Wolfe Tone YC this summer. For this to happen, the club needs some people to liaise with the FAI and be involved in organising the camp. Anyone interested please contact James as soon as possible.
15-12-2013: Loreto training.
The last Loreto training for our 11-a-side teams will be on 16th December 2013 and will resume on Monday 6th January 2014.
06-12-2013: Message from the WDSL.
The Football Association of Ireland Emerging Talent Programme will host two coaches' clinics in January and February. The first clinic will run from 10:30am to 4:00pm at the AUL Complex on Sunday, January 12 and the second clinic will run from 10:30am to 4:00pm at Mervue United FC, Galway on Sunday, 9th February 2014. Both events will cover the same content.
The events are open to all coaches working with players aged 11 to 14 years and will focus on the development of young players, playing style, coaching philosophy and the latest trends in elite underage football. The clinic will focus on both theoretical and practical demonstrations.
Those coaches wishing to attend must register with before Wednesday January 8 at 4:00pm stating which event they wish to attend as well as the club/league with which they coach. All attendees should bring note taking materials and boots for astro-turf.
03-12-2013: Message from the WDSL.
The Football Association of Ireland Emerging Talent Programme will host a goalkeeper coach clinic at the AUL Complex, Complex on December 27th, 2013. The clinic will run from 10:30am to 4:00pm under the direction of Tim Dalton, who is the Under-15 International Goalkeeping Coach.
This event is open to all coaches working with goalkeepers aged 11 to 14 years and will focus on the development of young goalkeepers, how they should be coached and the latest trends in elite underage goalkeeping. The clinic will focus on both theoretical and practical demonstrations. I would be most grateful if you could circulate the above information to coaches within your league.
Any coaches wishing to attend must register with before Friday December 20 at 4:00pm, stating the club/league within which they coach. All attendees should bring note taking materials and football boots suitable for astro-turf.
27-11-2013: Emergency managers meeting.
The club Executive has decided that players who have not paid their fees for his season will be suspended from playing from the resumption of the League in January. As this will mean teams being withdrawn from having fixtures, an emergency meeting of the managers concerned has been arranged for Tuesday next, 3rd December at 7.45. Ron will ring the managers concerned to inform them of this.
20-11-2013: FAI coaching courses 2014.
Click here for a list of FAI coaching courses in Wicklow for 2014. Anyone intending on booking a place on a course please let John or Ron know first please.
01-11-2013: Christmas Draw.
Christmas draw tickets are available for collection from the boardroom from this weekend. Managers are asked to pick up their tickets and distribute them for sale at the earliest opportunity.
10-10-2013: Loreto training.
Loreto training for our 11-a-side teams commences from Monday next, 14th October. U12A, U12B, U13A, U13B will train from 7-8 pm while U14, U15a, U15B and U16 will train from 8- 9pm.
01-10-2013: Managers meeting.
The next manager's meeting will be on Thursday 10th October 2013 at 8pm. All managers to attend please.
01-10-2013: Field closed.
Temple sportsfield is closed for all training until further notice. Any queries to Ron please.
01-10-2013: Table Quiz.
Wolfe Tone Baton Twirlers are holding a table quiz in the Martello this Thursday, 3rd October at 7.50. If you can, please go along and support them, table of 4 is €40. Please spread the word to your teams also.
18-09-2013: Important notice from WDSL.
All Managers are reminded that any contact with the WDSL is to be done only through your Club Secretary.
This is in case you did not know this previously or if it is your first season Managing.
If your Club Secretary/Fixtures Secretary has not sent in times/scores,hat-trick Club etc. it is impossible for the WDSL to post same and again you must contact your Club Secretary not the WDSL with regard to this.
Final times are only posted after Referees are allocated on a Thursday night, this has always been the case.
The WDSL cannot guarantee times are sent in by every Club on time, only to fine the ones who do not.
Managers are also reminded that WDSL Committee members are volunteers and are responsible for over 170 teams, not just your one.
All managers are encouraged to voice any concerns they might have to their own Club Secretary for whatever matter and they in turn will contact the League.
We are also still waiting for the Club contact details and grounds details to get repaired/updated on our website.
Again your Club Secretary/Fixtures Secretary will have all the information needed with regard to where your games are being played, so please ensure you have checked with them before travelling to games.
15-09-2013: Referee fees 2013-14.
Referees are to be paid by the home team for all League, Shield and National Cup games, for domestic Cup games the fee is halved between home and away teams. The referee should be paid before the game starts. The fees are the same as last season:
Up to and including under 10's 20 Euro.
Under 11's up to and including under 14's 30 Euro.
Under 15's and Under 16's are 40 Euro.
11-09-2013: Managers please note.
The first round of the SFAI national Cups will take place on weekend 28th- 29th September 2013 while round 2 is scheduled for weekend 19th- 20th October 2013.
The transfer deadline for this season is 15th October 2013.
NO training is allowed in the goalmouths on the big pitch.
Wolfe Tone Youth Club teams must play in blue, the club colour.
SSG managers are advised that match cards must be filled in for ALL games.
Managers must ensure that players are registered with the League before allowing them play.
07-09-2013: **Important** Change of date for Managers meeting.
The next managers meeting will be on Thursday 12th September 2013 at 8pm, not Tuesday as previously arranged. All managers are expected to attend, if anyone can't make it please let Ron know asap.
05-09-2013: Temple sports field pitches.
For weekend 7th- 8th September 2013, any small sided home games are to be played on pitch 2, NO games are to take place on pitch 1. Also, please keep off the goal areas on the big pitch when training.
05-09-2013: Evening Herald- Paul Dowling.
The following email is from Paul Dowling. Please note his contact details if anyone wishes to contact him:
Hello everybody.
This is my email -
My contact number is the same - 0868554856.
Please pass this information to club managers also.
Here's how things are going to work for the Evening Herald for the 2013/14 season.
There is only one page available for coverage. In that must go a match report, Short Passes article, results, fixtures and notices.
I will endeavour to do my best to include at least one team picture a week.
I need results and scorers from all the games.
With the Evening Herald coming out on MONDAY'S, all the information ideally needs to be with me by 6.00 p.m. on Sunday's.
That's the dead-line set out by Chris McGeary and Noel Morrissey, so if you are sending results to him by that time, I would appreciate it also.
I would prefer the information sent to me by email or text.
I need all the help I can get. I will do my best to give the WDSL the best possible coverage.
Best of luck to all clubs for the 2013/14 season.
Paul Dowling.
30-07-2013: Temple Sportsfield pitch marking 2013-14.
The pitches will be marked by the workers as far as possible. However, it is the managers duty to check whether pitches are marked prior to their games and if not, it is the managers responsibility to mark the pitch. Ron will confirm at the next managers meeting.
17-07-2013: Kennedy Cup 2013-14.
The WDSL are delighted to advise that Karl Brauner has been appointed Kennedy cup manager for the '13-'14 season. Karl has been with this team for the last 3 years and has plenty of successes. We believe that this Karl and his team have the right attitude and drive for success and we wish them all the best in their preparations.
Karl is keen to get off the ground immediately and will be holding trials over the next few weeks. Can you please circulate the below to the relevant players/managers.
These are open sessions and whilst the squad has been together for 2 years this does not by any means mean that the squad has been finalised. Karl is keen to attract the right talent and is always on the lookout for ways to improve and strengthen his squad.
Can you send names of players that will be attending the trials to myself and Karl (
(26TH JULY )
TIMES : 5.30-6.45...
TIMES :6-7.15PM...
TIMES :6-7.15PM...
TIMES :5.30-6.45PM...
16-07-2013: Fees 2013-14.
Managers please note the first phase of fees, club forms are due on 19th July 2013.
11-07-2013: Field access during building work.
As you may be aware the construction work has started on the pavilion building. Due to this the access to the field we have been using is closed for the duration of the works. All managers and teams must use the back gate entering and leaving the field.
It is the managers responsibility to let all his players know of this change.
10-07-2013: John Walton has asked that e-mail be posted here.
Please see below a list of players selected
for FAI regional emerging talent.
Please inform me immediately if your
players cannot attend.
Noel Morrissey.
Hon. Sec.
11 a side Fix. Sec.
Subject: Wicklow Schoolboys League Players invited to Arklow Regional squad trials
Please see below the list of players from Wicklow that have been selected by the FAI Talent identification staff at last week’s Kennedy Cup competition to attending the following Regional Emerging Talent Programme trials for the Junior squad in Arklow Town, Lamberton, Arklow, Co. Wicklow;
Junior Squad 4.00 - 5.30
Junior Squad 4.00 - 5.30
- Ryan Burke, Arklow Town
- Rory Byrne, Roundwood
- Jack Crowley, Arklow Town
- Joe Flemming, Arklow Town
- James Hanway, Wolfe Tone
- Peter Hempenstal, Arklow Utd
- Clive Keenan, Arklow Town
- Robert Keogh, Arklow Town
- James Larkin, Arklow Town
- Darragh McGee, St Anthonys
- Niall Murphy, Arklow Town
- Ciaran O’Shea, Arklow Utd
- Robert Talaga, Arklow Utd
- Nathan Woolohan, Arklow Utd
Players are asked to arrive by 3.45pm for each trial and bring suitable boots for grass pitch or astro, training shorts, top and socks along with a plentiful supply of fluids.
I have been in contact with Paul Sheridan to confirm that he is happy with the players selected. I thank you for your co-operation and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
04-07-2013: Managers meeting.
Ron will be available to meet any managers who couldn't make the meeting this week at 7pm on Friday 5th July in the club.
23-06-2013: Managers meeting.
Ron has called a managers meeting for Tuesday 2nd July at 8pm. All managers are asked to attend to discuss next season. If anyone is unable to attend please inform Ron and he will arrange to meet with you seperately.
12-06-2013: Coaching courses.
There are some upcoming FAI coaching courses which may interest you. Contact for booking a place on any of the courses is Alan Reynolds,
Kick Start 1, Monday 15th July 9am- 5pm at Arklow Town.
4V4 Small sided games workshop Tuesday 16th July – Arklow Town 7.00pm – 10.00pm.
7V7 Small sided games workshop Thursday 18th July - Ardmore Rovers 7.00pm – 10.00pm
12-06-2013: Liaison for trips abroad.
The club has nominated Con Salmon as liasion for all trips abroad by our teams. Any team intending to travel must contact Con at the earliest opportunity with details of the trip, names, numbers etc . No trips or fundraising events are authorised without Con being informed.
28-05-2013: Club Presentation Day.
The Club presentation day will take place on Sunday 30th June 2013. U11, U12, U13, U14, U15 managers please contact Ron as soon as possible with your nominations for Player of the Year, Clubman of the Year and Players Player of the Year awards. Please double check the spelling of award winners names before you submit them as they will be inscribed on the trophies.
22-05-2013: AGM.
Wolfe Tone Youth Club AGM is on Tuesday 28th May 2013 at 8pm. All members are welcome to attend. If anyone wishes to put themselves forward as an executive member they should notify the club before Friday 24th (members wishing to join the Executive must have been in the club a minimum of one year).
17-05-2013: Managers Meeting.
There will be a managers meeting at 8pm on Thursday 23rd May. All managers are requested to attend.
27-04-2013: Membership
The club AGM is almost upon us and there is still a large amount of unpaid fees for the season. This situation cannot continue and it is intended that a motion to the AGM will mean players with unpaid fees will not be re-signed. As some teams have a large number of unpaid members, this unfortunately means we may lose some teams next season. Teams who do not support the club whether by selling the Lucky Numbers envelopes, participating in the bag-packs etc. will also be looked at unfavourably for next season. Managers, please impress on your players the seriousness of this situation and return any fees paid to the club promptly.
15-04-2013: Managers meeting
Ron has called a managers meeting for Tuesday 23rd April 2013 at 8pm. This meeting is to address the issue of outstanding membership fees and also to discuss teams for next season.
13-04-2013: Outdoor training.
Managers, with midweek games and teams training outdoors, please make sure you stick to your allocated training times at Temple Sports Field. Click here for rota.
20-03-2013: Loreto training.
Managers please note that due to pitch maintenance in Loreto over the next few weeks, training there for this season has now finished for all teams.
06-03-2013: Managers meeting.
The managers meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday 12th March at 8pm. This is an important meeting to discuss the St. Patrick's Day parade and changes proposed by the WDSL.
03-02-2013: Membership fees.
The club may soon have to make the unpopular decision to stop players from playing unless fees are paid up. At a recent managers meeting it was agreed that a letter would be prepared by the club to give to parents about this matter. Also, a letter on fundraising was requested. These letters are in teams pigeon holes for distribution and it is disappointing that some haven't been collected yet. Please check your pigeon holes and help us to get the fees in as soon as possible,
19-01-2013: E-mail received from the FAI, please note- further details when we get them.
Following feedback from leagues and clubs over the past number of years, club development and support was identified as a key focus area in which the FAI should be more active. In order to progress this within the FAI some work has been done to develop programmes to assist clubs and also to identify potential sponsors to make the roll out of these programmes possible. We are delighted to be in a position to announce an exciting new programme for clubs in 2013.
As you may be aware, McDonald’s are heavily involved in football and work closely with the national associations and clubs in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, as well as their links to football globally through UEFA and FIFA. We are pleased to announce that McDonald’s Ireland have now teamed up with the FAI to develop and roll out a brand new club support programme called McDonald’s Future Football.
We are now in a position to invite your club to apply for participation in this programme. There is no cost for doing so and clubs involved will benefit from a range of new activities, resources and coach education never before available. These include:
- 20 free places on coach education courses (brand new 4v4 & 7v7 workshops)
- Access to a local McDonald’s Football Fun Days
- Access to a local McDonald’s Cup Competition (exclusive to participating clubs)
- Opportunity for their teams to progress to the cup competition final’s day in the Aviva Stadium
- Access to a club support programme
Each club will team up with a local McDonald’s restaurant and partner with them for the programme. For the first year we are piloting the programme with a limited number of clubs.
At this point in time we are simply introducing you to the programme and letting you know about the benefits of getting involved. If you would like to know more information please contact us at the details below.
We believe this programme has great potential and can offer a lot of support to your club to continue the great work you do in your local community.
16-01-2013: Notice re u8/ u9 Futsal.
Hi to all,
the league are pleased to confirm the dates and venues for u8 and u9 futsal.
U8 Futsal South - Saturday February 2nd - Arklow Leisure Centre - 10am/4pm
U8 Futsal North - Sunday February 3rd - St Kilians Centre Bray - 10am/4pm
U9 Futsal South - Saturday February 16th - Arklow Leisure Centre - 10am/4pm
U9 Futsal North - Sunday February 17th - St Kilians Centre Bray - 10am/4pm
1. Apologies concerning weekend 26/27 Jan for u9.There are communion masses on this weekend,so
it was best to change.
2. We are aware there is a kickstart 1 organised for Feb 2nd,however Alan Reynolds has indicated that
there will be another one in June,for those who may be involved in Futsal on that date,and cannot get
anybody to stand in for them.
09-01-2013: Managers please note.
The Lucky Numbers draw resumes on Thursday 17th January. Please make you get the envelopes distributed in time.
Managers pigeon-holes are now in the boardroom, Chairman's office will be locked.
Fees for the season are now overdue, letters will be given to those who haven't paid yet.
All managers, assistants and coaches must be Garda vetted. Forms will be given out at Tuesday's managers meeting. This is a FAI requirement.
2013 will be a busy year for the club. we hope to begin work on the pavilion building and also work on our pitches. All fundraising will be done for the club, not for individual events and we expect the support of our managers to help us achieve our targets.
07-01-2013: Managers meeting.
Ron has called a managers meeting for Tuesday 15th January 2013 at 8pm. All are requested to attend.
02-01-2013: Kick Start One.
There is a Kick Start One course in Enniskerry FC on Saturday 2nd February 2013, 9am to 5pm. Please go through our club to book if you are interested.
01-01-2013: Futsal 2013.
U8, U9, U11 Managers, please note the following e-mail, forwarded by John Walton.
Subject: WDSL 2013 Futsal
Happy new year to you all
WDSL are pleased to confirm the following schedule for FUTSAL 2013.
A. Under 11 - North Section - Saturday 12th January 10am - 4pm - Venue:Wolfe Tone Community Centre
South Section - Sunday 13th January 10am - 4pm - Venue:Arklow Leisure Centre
B. Under 10 - North Section - Saturday 19th January 10am - 4pm - Venue:Wolfe Tone Community Centre
South Section - Sunday 20th January 10am - 4pm - Venue:Arklow Leisure Centre
C. Under 9 - North Section - date and venue to be confirmed
South Section - Sunday January 27th 10am - 4pm - Venue:Arklow Leisure Centre
D. Under 8 - North Section - date and venue to be confirmed
South Section - Saturday 2nd February 10am - 4pm - Venue:Arklow Leisure Centre
1. Futsal is an extremely successful and popular game played throughout the world,where the emphasis
is placed solely on player development.All the elements of ball mastery and control can be improved by
the participants,including first touch,passing and movement,speed and reaction speed,anticipation and
finishing.Coaches in the WDSL and elsewhere have consistently spoken highly of the benefits that the game brings,so
let us all be proactive in our approach,so that all players can gain from the experience.
2. In order to maximise the exposure of Futsal to all the children in the league,the WDSL "recommend" that
panels for Futsal are minimum 5,maximum 6 or 7.In other words each team in the league should be able to
enter 2 sides and give the children plenty of "game time"
3. Please enter by email to, on or before Sunday 6th January.Entry fee 20 euro per team,payable
on the day,or at the next monthly meeting.
Details have been also posted on the WDSL website
Yours in Sport
Lorraine Gilligan
WDSL PRO and County Administrator
086 7778610
11-12-2012: Christmas draw.
If anyone is available to help out with delivering prizes on Saturday morning, we would appreciate any help you can give. Prizes will be available for delivery or collection from 10am.
06-12-2012: Loreto training.
The last training in Loreto before Christmas will be on Monday 10th December and will resume for the new year on Monday 7th January 2013.
06-12-2012: Christmas Draw.
Managers please ensure you return all Christmas Draw tickets to the club by Thursday 13th December at the very latest.
27-11-2012: Managers Meeting.
There is a managers meeting on Thursday 6th December at 8pm. All managers are expected to attend. Please get Christmas Draw tickets back to the club as early as possible. Also, managers are reminded that membership fees are now overdue.
30-10-2012: Managers Meeting.
Ron has called a managers meeting for Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 8pm. All managers to attend. The meeting will address membership, Christmas draw and football matters. All managers are asked to collect their Christmas Draw tickets from the office and distribute them as soon as possible.
22-10-2012: October bank holiday weekend.
There are no WDSL fixtures for the October bank holiday weekend.
20-10-2012: Membership reminder.
Managers are reminded to make sure all their players are registered with the club and that membership fees are paid-up. Only fully paid-up members may participate in club activities including trips abroad etc.
09-10-2012: U11 county trials change of time.
From the WDSL website: There has been a change in time for the under 11 county training on Saturday the 13th.
Due to a number of clubs not sending players forward all ages may now attend from 12:00 to 14:00.
All club Secretaries have been notified by Michael Nolan prior to this notice.
04-10-2012: Loreto training 11-a-side teams.
Training in Loreto for our 11-a-side teams begins on Monday 8th October. However, we will require the teams using the facility to support the club on an ongoing basis. That involves supporting the Lucky Number Draw, our fund-raising bag pack and of course our Christmas Draw. The club will review Loreto training at Christmas and any team not playing their part will lose their training slot there.
The schedule is u12A, u12B, u13 train from 7- 8pm while the u14's and u15's train from 8- 9pm. Managers are reminded to organise the keys in advance each week.
04-10-2012: U11, U12 County trials.
Under 12 County trials will be held at the Bridgewater Park in Arklow on Saturday the 13th of October from 16:00 to 18:00.
Can players please register their interest through their club Secretaries.
They need to include their date of birth, their club, their position, their division and last but by no means least, their names.
All participating players will need to bring a drink of water with them.
Please arrive at least fifteen minutes early to get registered.
The under 12 county backroom squad will be visiting clubs to watch games throughout the divisions, so any player who does not make it on the day will hopefully still be seen.
There will be open trials for the under 11 county squad on Saturday the 13th of October in Shamrock Park, Rathnew.
All players wishing to have a trial should apply through your club Secretary to Michael Nolan.
Your club Secretary and fixtures Secretary have Michaels e mail address.
Applicants should state their name, date of birth, position, club division.
Trials for Premier are from 12:00 to 13:00.
Trials for Division 1 are from 13:00 to 14:00.
Trials for Division 2 are from 14:00 to 15:00.
Trials for Division 3 are from 15:00 to 16:00.
All players to arrive not later than fifteen minutes before their allocated time.
Please ensure your child has a drink with her or him.
02-10-2012: SFAI National Cup second round.
Good luck to all involved!
U12 SFAI Cup- Wolfe Tone B v Kilcock Celtic A.
U13 SFAI Cup- Arklow Town A v Wolfe Tone.
U14 SFAI Cup- Kilcock Celtic A v Wolfe Tone A, Wolfe Tone B v Mountmellick, Wolfe Tone C v Newtown Juniors.
U15 SFAI Cup- Mountmellick Utd. v Wolfe Tone.
02-10-2012: WDSL Cup draws- 11-a-side.
First round to take place on 11/11/2012.
U12 Div. 2: Arklow Utd. v Wolfe Tone B.
U14 Premier: Wicklow Town A v Wolfe Tone A.
U15 Div. 1: St. Anthonys v Wolfe Tone.
Semi-finals 9/2/2013.
U12 Div. 1: TBD V Wolfe Tone A.
U13 Premier: Greystones Utd. A v Wolfe Tone A.
U14 Div. 1: Carnew v Wolfe Tone B
U14 Div. 2: Wolfe Tone C v Avonmore
21-09-2012: Referee fees 2012-13.
U9-U10: €20. U11, U12, U13, U14: €30. U15, U16: €40.
21-09-2012: Important dates:
National Cup first round: 29th-30th September 2012.
Transfer deadline: 15th October 2012.
Wolfe Tone YC bag pack, Tesco: Thursday- Saturday 18th, 19th, 20th October 2012.
National Cup 2nd round: 20th-21st October 2012.
First round of WDSL cups (11-a-side): 10th-11th November 2012.
National Cup 3rd round: 10th-11th November 2012.
National Cup 4th round: 1st-2nd December 2012.
11-a-side Shield finals: 8th-9th, 15th-16th December 2012.
Wolfe Tone YC Christmas draw: Friday 14th December 2012.
Season recommences: 5th-6th January 2013.
National Cup (32): 2nd-3rd February 2013.
Second round of WDSL cups (11-a-side): 9th-10th February 2013.
National Cup (16): 23rd-24th February 2013.
National Cup QF: 23rd-24th March 2013.
Easter break: 30th-31st March 2013.
Wolfe Tone YC AGM:
Last day for new signings for 2012-13 season: 31st March 2013.
National Cup SF: 20th-21st April 2013.
National Cup Finals: 18th-19th May 2013.
WDSL Cup finals (11-a-side): 18th-19th May 2013.
Kennedy Cup: 10th-14th June 2013.
Presentation Days: TBC
06-09-2012: WDSL rules for small sided games.
Please note the following rules from the WDSL website.
7-a-side (u8, u9, u10).
1.Field of play:70 x 50 yds (64 x 45 metres)
2.Goal size: 6 ft high x 16 ft wide
3.Ball size: u8,u9 = size 3,u10 = size 4
4.No.of players:7 players from each team on the field of play at any one time,plus a minimum of 3 substitutes that can be used at any time during the game in a roll on/roll off fashion
5.Duration of game:20 mins each way
6.Free kicks:the opposition must be at least 6 yds from the ball
7.Penalty kicks:at a mark 10yds from the goal line
8.Goal kicks:can be taken from anywhere inside the penalty area
9.Referee:to be provided by the home team at u8 and u9,and by the league at u10
10.Referees cards:must be completed by both teams and returned within 3 days to Mr.John Treanor,5 Edward Rd,Bray.
9-a-side (u11)
1.Field of play:70 x 50 yds (64 x 45 metres)
2.Goal size:6ft high x 16 ft wide
3.Ball size:4
4.Number of players:9 players from each team on the field of play at any one time,plus a minimum of 3 substitutes that can be used at any time during the game in a roll on/roll off fashion
5.Duation of game:30 mins each way
6.Free kicks:the opposition shall be at least 6 yds from the ball
7.Penalty kicks:at a mark 10 yds from the goal line
8.Goal kicks:can be taken anywhere inside the penalty area
9.Referee:will be provided by the league
10.Referees cards:must be completed by both teams.
03-09-2012: Football boot exchange.
We are setting up a football boot exchange in the club. We will take clean second-hand boots in good condition and redistribute them in the club. Kevin Merriman is looking after the exchange, he can be contacted on 086 2487633 after 5pm. We will update here later with a list of boots available. Kevin will be in the club on Saturday mornings between 10am and 11am so if you have boots to drop in you can do it at that time. |