Home-School Coordinator
Student Support Officer
Mrs. Una McDonald
Mr. Stan O'Reilly
The College is committed to the concept of education as being a
co-operative effort between Parents, Students and Teachers. We endeavour
to promote the highest level of communication between home and school
both on a formal and informal basis. This takes the form of Newsletters,
Circulars on various topics, School Reports, Parent/Teacher Meetings,
Parent Education Evenings, etc. We are conscious of the fact that
the home has the greatest influence on a young person's development
and that we are merely taking the place of the parent for a small
number of hours each day. It is worth bearing in mind that if all
the hours your son or daughter is in school were added up you would
find that he or she is in direct contact with the school for only
approx. 48 days out of 365 days each year. Our Home-School Liaison
Officer has strengthened this link considerably. Of course parents'
voices are heard throughout the Parents' Association and through
representation on the Board of Management.
Parents' Room
We are delighted that the new Parents' Room is now open and proving
to be a success. All parents are welcome to call into this facility,
which includes a Play Corner for toddlers, and to meet Marie Breen,
Home-School Liaison and/or Stan O'Reilly, Student Support Officer.
The kettle is usually on and the biscuit tin usually full!
We hope we have created a comfortable place in the college where
all parents and members of the local community can feel at ease.
Further details will be circularised to parents.