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©Abbey Community College, Wicklow, Ireland.

Bullying Behaviour in Schools

Homework and Study


School Hours


Breakfast Club

Information on Internet Safety

School Policy on Student Anonymity on the College Website

Bullying Behaviour in Schools

In the School Year 1993/94, the Department of Education issued Guidelines on countering bullying behaviour in schools. The Staff in the school having discussed the Guidelines have now formulated a School Policy on the subject. The following are the steps we intend to take with the students:

1. Raise the level of awareness of bullying so that students can be alerted to the problems.
2. Deal with the different forms of bullying.
3. Encourage students who are being bullied to tell someone they trust so that they receive the support and help they need.
4. Give support to the person who is bullying.

Bullying is not a big problem in the school but we know from experience that it does or can exist from time to time. It is necessary, therefore, to provide a protective and supportive structure for any student in the school who may be a victim of bullying.

Your Help is Important

It is most important that incidents of bullying are reported as soon as possible so that action can be taken. It is here we seek your help. Please do not hesitate to let us know of any bullying behaviour which comes to your notice. The behaviour may only be innocent 'messing' or teasing but if it causes hurt to a student it is best to make the perpetrators aware of this.

The following are just some points which may suggest a pupil is being bullied:-

* Unwillingness to go to school
* Loss of enthusiasm for, or interest in school
* A pattern of illness eg headaches, stomach aches
* Possessions missing or damaged
* Increased requests for money or stealing of money

If you have suspicions please let us know so that together we can eliminate the problem.

Homework and Home Study

Homework is assigned to all students and it provides a back-up to the work done in class. Students are expected to keep a record of homework assigned to them in the Homework Journal available in the College. Parents should try to help students understand (particularly at Junior Certificate Level) that STUDY is more than written homework. Study also means revising what has been covered in class that day as well as reading up additional data on the topic covered.

Remember Reading, Written Work, revision of each day's work and longer-term revision are all part of an evening's study.

The following is a suggested guideline for the time spent at study each evening:

First Years 1 to 1-1/2 hours

Second Years 1-1/2 to 2 hours

Third Years 2 to 2-1/2 hours

Senior Cycle 3 to 3-1/2 hours

These can be increased depending on the number of Higher Level or Honours Subjects being taken, particularly at Senior Level. It is important that parents adopt a positive and encouraging approach to their children's study. A survey of Junior Certificate Students was carried out recently. In the survey the Students were asked to name the ways in which their parents could help them regarding study. The following points were most frequently made.

1. Help us to arrange a timetable for TV/Video so we don't have too much.
2. Expect the best from us without undue pressure.
3. Provide a quiet place to study.
4. Ensure we get fresh air.
5. Help us set a time limit on study each night e.g. 10:00 p.m.
6. Encourage us - ask us how we are doing.
7. Offer to test us on what we have studied.


Parents must ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually. Students should be absent from school only for good reasons as each absence interferes to some extent with the student's progress. All absences must be explained in writing only in the Student Journal. Students must have written explanation in the Journal for the teacher of the first class on the day of resumption.

School Hours

Classes start at 9:00 a.m. Students should be in the College ground by 8:55 a.m. Lunch is from 12:25 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. Junior Cycle students are not permitted to leave the College grounds at lunchtime without permission from parents. The College will not be responsible for students who leave the College grounds without permission at lunchtime. Students who live in the town may of course go home for lunch.


Students may avail of the school canteen at morning break time and at lunchtime. Soup, soft drinks, hot drinks and confectionery can be purchased in the Canteen but parents should ensure that their child takes a nourishing packed lunch to school if not going home for lunch.

Breakfast Club

Subject to permission being given by parents, students can avail of a full breakfast in the Canteen between 8.15 - 8.45 a.m. Breakfast consists of cereal, toast, yogurt, juice etc.


Information on Internet Safety


School Policy on Student Anonymity on the College Websit





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