Crest of the Abbey Community College
A welcome from our principal
The Schools Mission Statement
A short History of the School
Details of the school year


Picture Gallery
Details of Adult Education Courses
Details of Courses and Programmes offered in the school
Details of the various structures in the school
Information on Home-School links
School Transport Details
Details of Extra-Curricular Activities in the school
Procedure for those wishing to visit the school
Internal and National Examination Details
Information on Enrolement Details
Information on Concerns to the College Community
Information on the Local Area
School Newletter
A map of the local area
Links to other sites
Information on Junior Certificate Schools Programme
Our Contact Details
link to acknowledgements
Website by Mr. C. Young
©Abbey Community College, Wicklow, Ireland.

The College is committed to the concept of education as being a co-operative effort between Parents, Students and Teachers. We endeavour to promote the highest level of communication between home and school both on a formal and informal basis. This takes the form of Newsletters, Circulars on various topics, School Reports, Parent/Teacher Meetings, Parent Education Evenings, etc. We are conscious of the fact that the home has the greatest influence on a young person's development and that we are merely taking the place of the parent for a small number of hours each day. It is worth bearing in mind that if all the hours your son or daughter is in school were added up you would find that he or she is in direct contact with the school for only approx. 48 days out of 365 days each year. Our Home-School Liaison Officer has strengthened this link considerably. Of course parents' voices are heard throughout the Parents' Association and through representation on the Board of Management.

Parents' Room

We are delighted that the new Parents' Room is now open and proving to be a success. All parents are welcome to call into this facility, which includes a Play Corner for toddlers, and to meet Marie Breen, Home-School Liaison and/or Stan O'Reilly, Student Support Officer. The kettle is usually on and the biscuit tin usually full!

We hope we have created a comfortable place in the college where all parents and members of the local community can feel at ease. Further details will be circularised to parents.

Parents Association

Every parent of a student attending the College is automatically a member of the Parents' Association. The primary aim of the Association is to foster and promote cooperation between home and school. Each year, every parent is asked to nominate a representative from the area who would then go forward for election to the Parents' Committee. The election itself is by Ballot. Nomination and Ballot Papers are sent to each home in September and October. The term of Office for the Parents' Committee starts on 1st November each year.

Some Activities of the Parents' Association

  1. Education/Information Evenings e.g. Drugs, Parenting etc. The Committee always welcomes
    suggestions on topics to be covered on these evenings.
  2. Provision of Scholarships in Irish and French.
  3. Helping in the organisation of School activities e.g. School Pantomime.
  4. Helping to finance student activities e.g. Debating, Exhibitions.
  5. Awarding of Parent Merit Awards to students in recognition of achievements.
  6. Organisation of Games/General Activities Evenings specially for Parents on Monday evenings.
  7. Organising monthly contribution by parents to fund the above activities.

The Present Parents' Committee Officers are:

Chairperson: Mr. John Graham
Secretary: Mrs Mary McGuire
Treasurer: Mrs Angela O'Sullivan

The Committee Members are:

Aine Shannon, Fiona Downes, Laura DuMoulin, Joe Carter, Andy Bolger, Una McDonald, Kathleen Snell, Maire Dewar, Mary McCoy, Margaret Keating, Linda McDonald, June Fitzgerald

Mr. Tyrrell and Mr. Bolger are non-voting members of the Committee.
Cornelius Young is the Liaison Officer between the Association and the School Management.

The A.G.M. of the Parents Association is held in Mid-October

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