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Students Council

L.C.V.P. Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

Co-ordinator : Ms. Sheena Wilkinson


The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.), which is recognised by IBEC and rewards students with additional certification in their Leaving Certificates, was introduced into this school from the beginning and 65 students from 5th and 6th year who are eligible, ie. with the combination of subjects required, are taking the programme this year. In addition to the normal subject work, they must keep detailed records of project work (on modules or other) and record and evaluat work placement.. L.C.V.P. includes modules in Enterprise Education and Preparation for the World of Work.  

As L.C.V.P. is supported by the business and employers federation, it is of obvious benefit to students when entering the workplace. Its status has been enhanced in recent years by the awarding of college points by the Institutes of Technology and the Universities