
Mission Statement

Principal's Address


Junior Cycle

Transition Year

Senior Cycle



Our Crest

Students Council

Blackwater Community School Achievements.


Local Community Involvement.

·        Annual Senior Citizens party hosted.

·        Adult Education opportunities.

·        Host venue of Imrama Festival, Fleadh Cheoil na mumhan, Fashion Show.

·        Christmas visits to Cappoquin Day Care Centre and St Carthage’s House.

·        Carol Service.

·        Choral Recitals.

·        Musical Productions.

·        Drama Productions.

·        Donations to charitable organisations at National and Global level.



County Involvement.

·        Waterford Hurling & Camogie Champions

·        Waterford Badminton Champions.

·        Waterford Mini-company Champions.

·        Credit Union Art Winners.


Provincial Involvement.

·        Earl of Cork Scholarship

·        Munster Senior Camogie Champions.

·        Munster u161/2 Hurling Champions.

·        Munster u 15 Hurling Winners.

·        Rice Cup Shield winners.

·        Munster Badminton Champions.

·        Munster Cross Country & Track & Field Winners.


National Involvement.

·        All-Ireland Mini-company winners.

·        All-Ireland Patent Award in Young Scientist Exhibition.

·        All-Ireland Technology Award.

·        All-Ireland Choral winners.

·        All-Ireland Senior & Junior Boys Volleyball Winners.

·        All-Ireland Track & Field winners.

·        National Drama winners.



·        Annual French & German student exchange.

·        Irish representatives at the European Parliament.

·        Show jumping nations cup winner in Italy.

·        Fundraising for Third World Countries.