
Mission Statement

Principal's Address


Junior Cycle

Transition Year

Senior Cycle



Our Crest

Students Council



We have our own study supervision for students after school – Early Study:  3.55-5.55 and Late study  6.15-7.45


Junior Certificate students should be studying for two to two and a half hours per night and Leaving Certificate students should be studying for a minimum ofthree to three and a half hours per night, 5 nights a week.  Some time should be spent over the weekend reading novels or plays, up-dating notes or revising for upcoming tests.  There are three elements of study:  Homework, revision and exam preparation. 

Using your study plan will help you get most out of your time.  Work for 30 to 40 minutes and then take a five minute break.  Start with a subject you find the most difficult rather than avoiding it, it still has to be done! 

Class time should be viewed as an opportunity for learning and clarifying.  It is essential to use class time effectively,  it will not be done again.