
Mission Statement

Principal's Address


Junior Cycle

Transition Year

Senior Cycle



Our Crest

Students Council



·        The amount of homework given in each subject area will be specified by subject teacher.

·        Homework will be monitored to ensure that students are not overloaded.

·        A balance will be maintained between written/practical work and oral/learning work.

·        Teachers will correct homework and give feedback to students.

·        Special consideration will be given to students with special needs.

·        Homework set will be purposeful and meaningful to the work of the class or to some future work.

·        Students will be given specific training in study/homework skills.

·        Parents will be informed when students do not carry out set homework.

·        Extended exercises will form part of an on-going assessment of each student.

·        Records of homework, grades and comments will be kept by each teacher.

·        A rough time-guide will be provided for each year group.

·        Students will sign all homework to encourage them to produce the best work they can.

·        Students should note each day’s homework in their PR book.

·        Parents will sign each week’s homework in the PR Book.

·        Non-compliance with homework policy will initiate disciplinary procedures.