Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Angel

| Buffy | Xander | Willow | Riley | Spike | Giles |
| Cordelia | Angel | Oz |
| Amy | Larry | Tara | Darla | Anya | Graham | Prof. Walsh | Wesley | Faith | Anointed One |
| Scott Hope | Mr. Trick | Mayor Wilkins | Parker | Ms. Calendar | Drusilla | Kendra |
| Harmony | The Master | Whistler | Forrest | Ethan Rayne | Snyder | Jonathan | Joyce |

"Passion. it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting and though unwanted, unbidden ,it will stir. Open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we can live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dark. Without passion, we'd truly be dead."

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Welcome to the Hellmouth (1 & 2)

Angel: I know what you're thinking, but don't worry, I don't bite!

Buffy: Who are you?
Angel: Let's just say I am a friend.
Buffy; Well maybe I don't want a friend.
Angel: I didn't say I was yours

Angel: They really don't like me dropping in
Buffy: Why not?
Angel: They really don't like me

Never kill a boy on a first date

Owen: So where do you know Buffy from?
Angel: Work


Angel: Good dogs don't bite

Buffy; Angel do you snore?
Angel: It's been a long time since any-one's been in a position to let me know

Angel: What's with the Catholic schoolgirl look? Last time I saw you, it was kimonos

Darla: What do you want?
Angel: I want it finished
Darla: That's good. You're hurting me. That's good too

Buffy: I know you're here, and I know what you are
Angel: Do you? I'm just an animal, right?
Buffy: You're not an animal- animals I like

Buffy: I invited you into my home, and you attacked my family.
Angel: Why not? I killed mine. I killed their friends and their friends' children for
a hundred years. I offered ugly deaths to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in
my heart.

Angel: I fed on a girl your age. Beautiful- dumb as a post

Angel: The elders conjured up the perfect punishment for me- they restored my soul.
Buffy: What, they were all out of boils and blinding torment?

Invisible Girl

Angel: Oh- I don't know. Looking in the mirror every day and seeing nothing there.. it's an overrated pleasure

Angel: I'll get it. it's not like I need the oxygen

Xander: You were looking at my neck
Angel: What?
Xander: You were looking at my neck
Angel: No I wasn't
Xander: Just keep your distance pal
Angel: I wasn't looking at your neck
Xander: I told you to eat before we came

Some Assembly Required

Angel: "Danced with" is a pretty loose term. "Made it with" might be a little closer.
Buffy: Don't you think you're being a little unfair? It was one little dance, which I only did to make you crazy. By the way, behold my success

Reptile Boy

Angel: This isn't some fairy-tale. When I kiss you... you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after.
Buffy: No- when you kiss me, I wanna die

Angel: Buffy
Buffy: Angel
Xander: Xander

Angel: I hated the girls back then, especially the noblewomen
Buffy: You did?
Angel: They were just incredibly dull. Simpering morons. The lot of them

Lie to Me

Willow: That's Angel
Xander: He's Buffy's beau, her special friend.
Ford: He's not in school, right? He looks older than her
Xander: You're not wrong

Angel: Unless you invite me, I can't come in.
Willow: Oh, well, okay, I.... invite you.. to.. come in

Angel: Things used ot be pretty simple. Hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty, really honed my brooding skills. Then she comes along. Yeah, I get jealous

The Dark Age

Angel: I've had a demon inside me for a couple hundred years- just waiting for a good fight.
Buffy: Winner and still champion

What's my Line-1
Buffy: I wish we could be regular kids.
Angel: I'll never be a kid.
Buffy: Okay- a regular kid and her cradle-robbing creature-of-the-night boyfriend?

Willy: I'm livin' right Angel.
Angel: Sure you are, Willy.... and I'm takin' up sunbathing

Angel: You know, I'm a little rusty when it comes to killing humans. It could take a while

Bad Eggs

Angel: Kiss me
Buffy: Finally something I wanna do

Angel: I'll hunt
Buffy: Really? You'd do that
Angel: It's not like I have an early day tomorrow


Spike: Do you know what happens to Angel?
Angel: Well, he moves to New York and tries to fufill that Broadway dream. Tough slaying, but one day, he's working in the chorus when the big star twists her ankle

Spike: Hurts, doesn't it?
Angel: Well, you know, kind of itches a little
Spike: Don't just stand there- burn him
Angel: Gee- maybe he's broken

Spike: No more of this "I've got a soul crap"
Angel: What can I say, hmm? Just going through a phase

Angel: She made me feel like a human being. That's not the kind of thing you just forgive

Angel: You've got a lot to learn about men, kiddo, although I guess you proved that last night

Angel: I got a message for Buffy
Buffy: Then why don't you give it to me yourself
Angel: Oh, it's not really the kind of message you tell. It sort of involves finding the bodies of all your friends

Buffy: Leave Willow alone
Angel: But she's so cute and helpless. Really a turn-on.

Angel: To kill this girl you gotta love her

Angel: Don't we look spiffy

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

Dru: Oh, Angel, it's still warm
Angel: I knew you'd like it. I found it in a quaint little shopgirl


Angel: Passion. it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting and though unwanted, unbidden ,it will stir. Open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have?

Spike: I won't have you feeding me like a child Dru
Angel: Why not? Already bathes ya, carries ya around and changes ya like a child

Angel: Well, maybe next time, I'll bring you with me, Spike. Might be handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space.
Spike: Have you forgotten that you're a bloddy guest in my bloody home?
Angel: And as a guest, if there's anything I can do for you.... any responsibility I can assume while you're spinning your wheels... anything I'm not doing already that is.

Angel: "The ritual of Restoration"- huh, well this brings back memories

Angel: Looks like I get to kill two birds with one stone.. and teacher makes three

Angel: Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief

Jeez- what happened to the wooden stakes

Angel: It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we can live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dark. Wihtout passion, we'd truly be dead.

Killed by Death

Xander: Visiting hours are over
Angel: Well, I'm pretty much family
Xander: Yeah, why don't you come back during the day? Oh- gee, no, I guess you can't

I only have eyes for you

Fun fact about wasps. They have no taste for the undead

Angel: I'm the one who was freakin' violated. You didn't have this thing in you.
Dru: What was it? A demon?
Angel: Love

Becoming 1 & 2

Angel: We are about to make history....end

Angel: You never learn, do you? This wasn't about you. This was never about you. And you fall for it every single time.

Angel: I want to torture you. I used to love it. It's been a long time. I mean, the last time I tortured somebody, they didn't even have chain saws

Angel: Keep out of it- sit'n'spin

Angel: My boy Acathla here is about to wake up. You're going to Hell
Buffy: Save me a seat


Angel: If I was blind, I would see you

Buffy: Stay with me.
Angel: Forever- that's the point. I'll never leave, not even if you kill me


Angel: I shoud be in a demon dimension suffering an eternity of torture

Jenny: You don't have the strength to kill yourself
Angel: I don't need strength. I just need the sun to rise

Angel: I want to take comfort in you, and I know it will cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care

Angel: It's not the demon in me that needs killing, Buffy. It's the man


Angel: It was a bright afternoon out in front of your school. You walked down the steps. And I loved you.
Buffy: Why?
Angel: Because I could see your heart. You held it before you for everyone to see. And I worried that it would be bruised or torn. And more than anything in my life I wanted to keep it safe, to warm it with my own.
Buffy: That's beautiful... or taken literally, incredibly gross
Angel: I was just thinking that too


Angel: You can't imagine the price of true evil
Faith: Yeah? I hope evil takes Mastercard


Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was. Angel: Well actually-- that's a good point

Angel: Vampires ae notoriously reliable

Angel: If feels nice just to feel

Angel: It's good to have the taste of a Slayer back in my mouth. It's like cigarettes, you know? Just when I thought I'd quit...

Mayor: I see you're admiring my letter opener
Angel: Well actually, I was thinking of stabbing you through the heart with it

Angel: Hmm... can't be killed, but you don't like germs

Angel: Well, gee, sir I thought I'd find that Slayer that's giving you so much torture and trouble, maim, and kill her.

Mayor: Torture Buffy. Killing her's fine, just make it a slow one
Angel: My favourite kind

Joyce: Please tell me it's not some vampire thing
Angel: The only vampire here is me, Joyce

Angel: You know, I never properly thanked you for sending me to Hell
Buffy: No
Angel: Yeah, and I was wondering, where do I start? Card? Fruit basket, huh? Evisceration?

Angel: Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Maybe there's still some good deep down inside of me that remembers you and loves you, if only you could reach me. Then again, we have reality.

Angel: You still my girl?
Buffy: Always

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