
Portable temperature logger

A pic based  temperature logger that

records data in an EEPROM and can be

read via RS232 battery

powered from a 9V battery.

USB Temperature Logger

Based on the FT232R a PIC 12F683 and an LM75 this temperature logger reads data via the USB port into any terminal emulator.

RS232 Temperature Logger

Based on the 16F628A this project reads temperature from an LM75 sensor and translates it into ASCII so the current temperature can read in a terminal window such as Hyperterminal.

PiLogger Data logger

Consolidating bits of code into a

Functioning data logger for the

Raspberry pi

Solar powered Blinky

A solar powered blinky shaped like a face flashing 2 LED;s

Thermocouple Monitor Working

LM75 Data logger update

Updated the LM75 Datalogger page to include a graphical data logger based on python and matplotlib, now included in Pi Logger

Buck Regulator/Charger Complete

This project uses the LM2576 as a Buck

regulator for powering the Raspberry pi

from up to 40V power supplies, can also be

used to charge apple Idevices.

Control RS485 Relays from a web browser

This project uses webiopi to control RS485 Relays from a web browser

Non Isolated RS485 Adapter :- Complete

After all the interest in the isolated converter, I decided to do a non isolated version that should be ok for non harsh environments. Note any surge on the RS485 wires could damage your pi.

RS485 Relay :- Complete

An RS485 Slave based on the PIC16F628A that switches a relay on and off

basic prototype is working will modify some off the communications software.

RSS on LCD :- Complete

This is a great project to knock up in an evening all you need is a spare few hours some veroboard and a 10K Potentiometer and an LCD display.

Isolated RS485/422 pi adapter board :- Complete

Using the ADM2687E to make an isolated RS422/485 adapter board  with an automated TX/RX switch

GPIO for raspberry pi :- Complete

A 12 wayGPIO Buffer board for the raspberry pi using buffers.

Set the direction using jumpers

with LED indicators on both the Inputs

or outputs.

UPS for Raspberry Pi :- Complete

A battery backup power supply for the

raspberry pi based upon a SEPIC converter.

The circuit also slow charges a 4 cell NiMH

pack and also automatically switches over

to battery power in the event of a power

outage on the main supply

RS232 Adapter board for the Raspberry pi:- Complete

This project adds an RS232 port to the raspberry pi

expansion port using an ADM3202E RS232 level


Adding an LM75 Temp sensor to the Raspberry pi :- Complete

This project connects an LM75 temperature sensor to the raspberry using the I2C port on the GPIO connector and monitors it using the sensors command.

There are 3 sub projects

Temp sensor for raspberry pi

Using Raspbian as LM75 data logger

Raspberry pi LM75 web display

Interval Timer:- Complete

This project allows a time delay to be set between 1-99 minutes via rotary switches based on the PIC16F84A

LED Thermometer:- Complete

Based on the PIC16F628A and the LM75 I2C

temperature sensor this project displays the

ambient temperature on a four digit LED display.

Binary clock:- Complete

This binary clock is based on the PIC16F628A from

microchip and drives 20 LED’s to tell the time in 24

hour format.

Electronics Projects    Interval Timer    Binary Clock Project  Temp Sensor for Raspberry pi  LED Thermometer RS232 Adapter for Raspberry pi Blog SEPIC UPS for Raspberry Pi

RSS LCD Display GPIO Board for Raspberry Pi Isolated RS485 Adapter PCB’s for Sale