Saint Charles -
Dressed for Town

Father Charles wearing apparel was of the poorest; habit and mantle being old, worn-out and patched. But poverty and humility are quite compatible with strictest neatness and cleanliness, whereas slovenliness and dirt as personal adjuncts are always and everywhere superlatively disgusting. To these latter Father Charles was a declared enemy, and a great believer in the doctrine
which expresses itself in soap and water. His daily very thorough ablutions in the community wash hall are matters of clear recollection with his intimate associates, even to this day.

The cell he occupied, with little in it to be disturbed, he kept, as might be expected, well arranged and in good order.

Towards the end of his life he seldom appeared in secular dress; and because it was seldom, it was strange, occasioning no small amusement amongst us students - Father Charles in secular dress seemed to us so incongruous a thing. When therefore he did appear for the first time in a long period, the signal ran along the line in that mysterious manner in which things become known so quickly in all colleges, boarding-schools the and some say Convents

Broadcloth, silk hat and umbrella looked nearly as old as himself, ill-fitting, a bit crumpled and very much the worse of the wear. As he walked along the corridor close to the wall, observed of all furtive observers there, he could not help noticing how keenly interested they were in his wonderful transformation. And he enjoyed it too; for the happiest of smiles lit up his dear old face, until he was clear of the them and of the house, and away on his mission of mercy, to some poor sick person in the city.

The lest time he thus appeared was 14th October, 1892, less than three months before his death. Generally speaking he visited the sick in his religious habit and accompanied by a Brother. His presence away from home never failing to draw crowds of admirers about him, a thing very distasteful to his humility, he shunned going out a s much a s possible., and rarely during his last three years did he go beyond the limits of the Monastery grounds.

Recollections of Fr. Eugene Nevin C.P.

Saint Charles

A Smile
Fr. Salvian

Our Lady

of Jesus






His 'cell'