Getting Started
The amount of equipment you need to start orienteering is tiny. So give it a try, and if you don't like it then it hasn't been a waste of money. But we don't really doubt that you'll catch the bug.

If you want to start orienteering you will need the following:
- Clothes appropriate to the weather and terrain which you don't mind getting dirty. Some combination of track suit, tee-shirt and shorts is normal. Remember undergrowth can quickly add a crop of scratches to bare legs. A raincoat might also be desirable.
- A robust pair of trainers or walking boots.
- A red biro to fill out the control card and take down the course onto your map.
- Some events held on rough terrain may require that you have a whistle for safety.
- A change of clothes for after the event.
- Packed lunch, including a drink.
- Entry Fee - usually around euro 8.00
That's really all you need to try out orienteering. Just come along to an event and ask one of the organisers to show you the ropes, there's always someone on hand to get novices started.
All you need to do now is find the date and venue for the next event. The fixtures list at the Irish Orienteering Association is probably the best place to start.
If you like it and want to be more competitive or try more demanding courses then there are a few items you will find useful. First of all, with a little instruction a compass can be a help. There are a number of styles, most people start with one like the one on to the right.
If you're orienteering regularly you will probably get orienteering shoes. These studded running shoes are specially designed to provide protection and traction in the roughest terrain.