The heart of Gaelic IrelandPHOTO SERIES |
Ballylee Castle Carrigín Castle Glinsk Castle Castletown Castle Renville Castle Claregalway Castle Ardamullivan Castle deBermingham's Castle Aughnanure Castle Castledaly Castle |
Menlo Castle Barnaderg Castle Cloghan Castle Cregg Castle Ballindooley Castle Feartagar Castle Clondegoff Castle Ballykyne Castle Renvyle Castle Tulira Castle |
Clifden Castle Brackloon Castle Bunowen Castle Ballinahinch Castle Newtown Castle Dunmore Castle Kilrogue Castle Castlegar Castle Ballinduff Castle Caherdangan Castle |
Annaghdown Castle Ardrahan Castle Ballinfad Castle Ballybrit Castle Blake's Castle Creganna Castle Derryhivenny Castle Lynch's Castle Derrymacloughna Castle Cluanacauneen Castle |
Anbally Castle Turloughcartron Castle Lough Cutra Dunsandle Castle Cahererillan Castle Killeen Castle Lackagh Castle Monivea Castle Moylough Castle Moyode Castle |
Corofin Castle Merllin Park Derrydonnel Castle Moyveela Castle Kylemore Castle Ballinderry Castle Hackets Castle Grange Castle Headford Castle Riverville Castle |
Annaghkeen Castle Ballymaquiff Castle Castle Taylor Cloughballymore Castle Drumharsna Castle Kilcornan Castle Kilmacduagh Castle Lydacan Castle Shruel Castle |
Ballybroder Castle Ballymore Castle Blackgarden Castle Cloneen Castle Dunamon Castle Garbally Castle Isserkelly Castle Lismore Castle Longford Castle |
Cong Castle Ballylin Castle Castlekirk Cashlaundarragh Castle Creagh Castle Fiddaun Castle Lackafinna Castle Moyne Castle Parkbaun Castle |
Aughalard Castle Aughnanure Castle Athenry Castle Blakes Castle Annaghdown Castle Dunamon Castle Fiddaun Castle Hags Castle Derryhiveny Castle Annaghkeen Castle |
Castlekirk Claddagh Castle Lynch's Castle Menlo Castle Mutton Island Oranmore Castle Castletown Castle Ballinsnave Castle Tirellan Castle Lough Mask Castle |
Lydacan Castle Dunguaire Castle Cargin Castle Tullokyne Castle Cross Castle Ardrahan Castle Castle of the Woods Ballycurran Rath Durlisk Castle Glinsk Castle |
Typical Irish Tower House |
Features of Tower House |
Abbey Castle Achrim Castle Aughrim Castle Lough Avatia Castle Ballinasloe Ballisnihyny Tooloobaun Ballindonagh Ballinacourty Castle Cahergissaun |
Cahervoley Carnaun Castle Carrowbrowne Carrowmorrisey Castlebrowne Clareaughrim Cloondooan Cummer Dartfield . |
Attyslaney Castle Claddagh Castle Ballydavid Castle Derryowen Castle Doon Castle Dunkellin Eyrecourt Castle Feartamore Castle Flaherty's castle Isercleron |
Killaclogher Castle Killimer Killora Castle Kilmacrah Castle Kiltullagh Castle Leitrim Castle Lismoyle Loughrea Ballymacreg Milltown Castle |
Ardfry Castle Castle Creevy Ballydonlon Moycola Castle Muckinish Castle Ballymulfaig Castle Cooltymurraghy Castle Oldcastle Spanish Arch Wallscourt |
Mirror Site of Castles of GalwayContent by Patrick Larkin Layout by Loralla Webpages |