Writing Answers
Don't go into the exam thinking "I'll LOSE marks here and if I don't get this right I'll LOSE
marks there" etc. When you go in and sit down you essentially have 0 marks. The more relevant,
correct thinks you write, the more marks you get. It isn't a question of not losing marks, it's
a question iof gaining them. In Maths, Physics, Tech. Drawing, etc. make sure you put ALL the
working out down and hand it up. Don't stick it on a sheet and hide ot at the back either. Put
it beside the question for which it is relevant.
Exam Pointers
- Make yourself familiar with marks and test format for each subject.
- Within four weeks of a major exam it is suggested that you re-organize your Action Planner and study subjects in reverse order to the Exam schedule itself. This approach will enable you to review the subject on which you will be first examined in your final study period prior to the exam.
- Avoid cramming by good preparation.
- Brief yourself before each test.
Performance on Exam Day
Read the exam paper with care. In oral sessions, listen attentively.
Prepare a summary answer for each question using rough work paper- adding key points or formulae as relevant - this approach will leave your mind free to concentrate on formal answering of questions, while giving you the opportunity to select relevant information and points from your summary notes.
Be careful to answer the required number of questions on each paper and plan the amount of time you will give each question if time permits.
Ensure you have an introduction, middle and conclusion in your answers:
List key points on examination paper - often of great help, should you run short of time.
Should you complete a paper ahead of time, then use available time to review your answers and to improve your presentation/layout.
Take care with your writing - good presentation is vital. Aim for good layout; use colored pens and add illustrations wherever relevant.
After Each Test:
As you are human, you will indulge in post exam discussions - however, remember what is done is done, so take whatever solace you may from this activity and then focus your mind exclusively on the next test.