The Rough Guide to Going to College - Rules
The Leaving
Choosing A Course
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Living Away From Home

Related Links:
Parties - Having a bash and mopping up afterwards.
Choosing A Flatmate - Renting a flat on your own can be hopelessly expensive.

The following is an attempt to lay down some basic ground rules that are generally allocated to the memory commonly known as "selective". It's amazing how many rules are lost in such "selective" moments, such as when they need doing... unless all of you sharing come to some sort of agreement, either one of you will become the sucker of the house (i.e. an unpaid domestic engineer), or the place will quickly become a rubbish dump. Get over this by drawing up a list of house rules such as the list below, based on years of student sharing experience! And stick to it.


  • leave it as your mum would wish to find it
  • clean bath and basin after use (every time)
  • clean toilet after use if you've made it unpleasant while you were using it - that means looking at it, inside and out, to check, then doing whatever is necessary
  • general clean every other week, when it's your turn
  • buy green liquid, soap, toilet paper as necessary, IN ADVANCE
  • two hours wallowing in the tub might be your idea of heaven on earth, but to everyone else trying to get ready for college/party/work, or even if they're just dying for a crap, it's a guaranteed wind-up. Check first that no one urgently needs to use the bathroom before you settle in
  • don't leave immersion heaters on as they tend to boil over and strip the wallpaper. Unless, of course, you are redecorating...
  • remember what YOU bought and throw it away when it's old
  • clean spills - fridges have a way of becoming repellent and nauseating within days if you don't
  • kill the ice monster by defrosting at least every 2 months, more often if the door doesn't fit properly
  • never put bits of onion in the fridge unless they're in a sealed box - onion smell is trying to take over the planet and Starfleet Command are relying on YOU to save us...
  • wash up and put things away as often as possible
  • try to keep surfaces clear
  • sweep and wipe floor whenever you can
  • take rubbish out when the bin is full
  • use ventilator or fan when cooking smells or steams a lot (remember to turn it off)
  • don't put mucky plates etc on the draining rack - that's where the clean stuff goes
  • potatoes should never have stems - if it's growing, plant it outside
We all like music, we all believe we have the best musical taste in the world and we all think that everyone else wants to hear our favourite records full blast at 2am. THEY DON'T. If you feel the need to turn the volume up full for that rare drum'n'bass/Brazilian death metal/ambient indie trance trip-hop 12", save it for a relatively sociable hour such as Saturday afternoon, or, even better, anytime when no one else is in. No matter how cool and hip you consider your taste in music to be, the reality is that HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE'S MUSIC, especially when you're trying to concentrate on some work, so if a housemate knocks on your door and asks you to please* turn the music down, do so without complaining...

...and if you need to ask someone to turn their music down, don't kick the door in and scream abuse. This will only prolong any potential grief, plus you might get your face smashed in by way of a reply. Ask politely, remembering to use the P word, and chances are they will do as you request - people often think the walls are thicker than they are, or just forgot to check to see if anyone was in, etc. But if you and your housemates' good-natured pleas are ignored and you feel like you're living in the Ministry Of Sound, take it to the landlord (as with any other sharing-related house problem).

The love of your life spending the weekend with you shouldn't be a problem for anybody; however, if they effectively move in because parting is such sweet sorrow, this can lead to various conflicts. While they are soothing your fevered brow as lover in residence, they are also using up electricity/gas/water/bog paper/coffee/milk/bathroom time etc, and the rest of the house may well expect some extra financial contribution from you both - fair enough. You are responsible for your guest(s), so make sure they don't enter other people's rooms, consume other people's food and drink, mistakenly or otherwise (didn't anyone watch This Life?)

Your room

  • clean your room weekly
  • open windows whenever possible
  • do not damage any fittings or furniture
  • report any problems ASAP
Shared rooms
  • don't leave windows unlocked when you go out
  • clean up spills - soak up as much liquid as possible, put salt on wine, tea, coffee, then rinse thoroughly IMMEDIATELY
  • if you have a fire, make sure it's out before you go to bed - double check that gas fires are switched off properly
  • don't erase messages unless you know they've all been heard
  • keep a note of all your calls (time, duration, distance)
  • if you've already been chatting for 30 minutes and someone else needs to make a call, let them.
  • Phone hogs, like bath hogs, can drive people over the edge...
  • outside, unless it's guests and it's raining, then in YOUR room only
  • use an ashtray, not the floor
  • clean ashtrays, but not in the washing up water unless you're particularly fond of old-fag-flavoured tea

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Copyright © David Dineen/Gary Burns/Christopher Kennedy 1999. Email: