Related Links:
- Find a smelly flat
- Some basic ground rules for living with a complete stranger.
Theft and Burglary
If you live on campus, then you're living in a '90s equivalent of a hippy
commune, where people respect one another, right? Wrong. You may dance
naked or body paint on the campus lawns, but face up to two facts now:
- some of your fellow students are thieves
- campuses attract local tea leaves
Many hall blocks
are notorious
for having emergency doors that can be opened from the outside
and entrance doors that are left a) unguarded and b) unlocked. Usually,
the first items to go are toasters and the like in the communal areas.
The more adventurous petty criminal will then try all the rooms too, so
lock up your doors and windows and if there are burglaries report them
immediately to the police (for insurance purposes) and to the campus administration
(and try to get them to improve security, street lighting etc, onsite).