The Rough Guide to Going to College - The Giro
The Leaving
Choosing A Course
Other Options
Living Away From Home

Related Links:
Filling in the CAO form - How to do it and how not to do it.
Applying - How to do it and how not to do it.

The Giro
Some people approach the giro the same way they would approach a charging rhinoceros, but, for the giro at least, there is nothing to be afraid of. Just fill out all the boxes, get the bank to stamp all three parts and hang onto the bit that says FOR REFERENCE ONLY. You'll need your transaction number later if you are making your application electronically. If you are using the Net, don't be told by well meaning but fairly thick bank staff that you have to pay £18; hold them at gunpoint if necessary until they agree to let you fill in only £15 (hang on scratch that last bit). If, like me, you arrive home and realise you've forgotten something, just phone the bank and they'll help you out.

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Copyright © David Dineen/Gary Burns/Christopher Kennedy 1999. Email: