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Not always easy on a student budget, but every little improvement helps. The humble fruits and veggies have been credited with greatly improving our lives; according to most recent dietary research, eating fruit and vegetables gives us more energy, helps us keep healthier and fitter and may stave off illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer.

Current guidelines advise you to:The humble pear

  • Try and eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Buy fruit fresh as often as possible - the vitamin content drops dramatically if it is stored - although frozen is better than canned.
  • Eat organic for preference, but wash all fruits and veg carefully to remove sprays (like pesticides).
  • If cooking vegetables, do it quickly. Steaming, micro-waving or stir frying keeps more vitamins in; boiling or prolonged cooking kills off the vitamins.

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Copyright © David Dineen/Gary Burns/Christopher Kennedy 1999. Email: